Fatwa Of The Week

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Regarding the paternity of a child, if someone's mother remarried when he was 3-4, and he was raised by her later husband, how should he answer when asked about his father? Is he allowed to use his "adoptive" father's name in family contexts to not embarrass him or to show gratitude, or should he always.. More
May Allah bless you, is it halal to memorise Quran using ai (tarteel.ai)?.. More
Asalamu Alaykum, I have missed prayers in the past and they may be due to legitimate reasons and non legitimate reasons. I can remember some of them but I can’t remember all and their circumstances, I want to know how I can fix this situation. Right now I’m not making anything up and just my current ones I’m praying. Is this wrong? Also I think.. More
I am a male dentist. Is it permissible for me to treat non-mahram female patients in private practice if a female assistant is present, I wear gloves, and adhere to modesty guidelines, given that the patient has the option to go to another clinic and get treatment from a female dentist?I receive patients with tooth pain and those who come for dental.. More
It's fardh to denounce evil. On social media there is so much haram that a person would spend hours trying to denounce evil everytime he saw it as someone can see hundreds of posts in 10 minutes. Must he comment that something is haram everytime... More
What is my obligation as a Muslim man if I marry a divorcee who has a son from her ex husband? My wife moved to my house after the marriage.. More
My question is i have a frnd she want to study abroad is it halal or permissible for her to travel with mahram to that country she wants to study and live alone without mahram in a safe environment. Because as far as i know she can live alone if she is sure she can follow the deen and cqn save herself from all the fitnah and traveled with a mahram... More
When asking for forgiveness during repentance do i have to intent that Allah conceals my sins too? Or just asking for forgiveness without intending for Allah to conceal my sin enough.. More
Assalamu Alaikum!Do I have to tell the teacher if I caught someone doing cheating in exams or test or if I just tell the students directly not to do?Will I get sin if I tell the teacher about cheating but not specifying the person's name?.. More
Please clarify about belief in Qadar, Allah knew everything including his actions and of his creation and wrote it in Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuz, decrees of all things are written, does that only apply to creation or also to allah? Also, all things that happen are created by allah in their essence, attributes and movements, what does "essence" mean here? Please.. More
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