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When asking for forgiveness during repentance do i have to intent that Allah conceals my sins too? Or just asking for forgiveness without intending for Allah to conceal my sin enough.. More
Assalamu Alaikum!Do I have to tell the teacher if I caught someone doing cheating in exams or test or if I just tell the students directly not to do?Will I get sin if I tell the teacher about cheating but not specifying the person's name?.. More
As-salamu alaykum,What is the length of journey one should make travelling dua [ the authentic travelling supplication of Prophet (pbuh) ] jQuery111004503117648578432_1734510891251 If I go to 100m from my house, would that be consider a travel ? should I need to make dua in that case ? Jaz?k All?hu Khayran.. More
A repentant unmarried Man want know how to carry out the punishment for adultery on myself. I repented to Allah, but I still feel very guilty about what I did. I had Haram relationship with a non-Muslim girl who'd lost her first ovary due to health issues after pregnancy. She had lost her fetus because her ex-husband had hit her in the stomach before.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, I have a short and urgent question.Is it permissible to make dua in this way : Ya Allah , You are Beautiful and like beauty , make me beautiful/ grant me beauty.JazakAllah Khair.. More
Ruling on parents not allowing their daughter to talk to her husband when she is at the parents house because they had an argument and she came to her parents house but they told her to not talk to him is it haram for her to talk to him behind parents because she doesn’t want him to think she doesn’t care about him and she only wants the issue.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum,I have a question regarding the lowering of the gaze for a woman. Is she required to lower her gaze if a man is wearing tight jeans even if she feels no desire for him? Will she be sinful if she does? If you can answer this question, it will be of great help, thank you and may Allah SWT bless you... More
I need to know if it is BACKBITING to say unwanted things in a WhatsApp group chat, where the person is not texting in the conversation/may not be present but is a member of the group chat.Please explicitly state wether it is halal or haram... More
Describing something magical is haram in Islam?Like giving the name to a garden is a magical garden, magical forest, Arena magic, etc?.. More
Al salamu alikum,I am a 26 yo who is married Alhamdullah, no kids yet. My wife and I both work as engineers so we make a decent living alhamdullah not much but not little either. I'm always so scared of being poor or living pay check to pay check. I've always wanted to have my own business but I currently don't have enough money to fund my idea. My.. More
What prayer can one do to conquer the frequent bad thought about others?.. More
Aslamu Alaykum. I was once praying and I made the sin of riya by beautifing my voice for someone elee that was not Allah during that salah. I did this before I found out what riya actually is as I did not know at the time that there was a ruling regarding riya. This was a long time ago and I gained more knowlege and I repented from it Alhamdulilah... More
Is it haram to be untidy or unclean? Whatif it bothers your parents and what about cleaning the clothes that are used for haram or have images on them should i do so if my parents order me? What about cleaning after siblings etc when told or not.. More
I'm a 26-year-old man who was engaged for 6 years. Six months before our wedding, I cheated on my fiancée with my cousin. She found out, and her parents and mine initially agreed to the wedding, because I repented but she lost the trust in me for 4 months. She's now willing to forgive me, but my parents don't support the marriage anymore, they fear.. More Question is that my husband is a builder.according to government policy he is allowed to build only 2floor but he gives bribe to the development authority to build 4floor because if he built only 2floor nobody is going to buy flat for such a huge amount like 80lakh.if he built 4floor price will reduce to approx 50 or 55lakh which.. More
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