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How can a alim ulama like Imam Ibn Taimiyyah have such a high status? What are their daily activities to have a high manzilah?
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Assalaam alaykum. I am 27years. I learnt that Shaykh IBN Taymiyyah, IMAAM Bukhaari and IMAAM Nawawi never got married. I also want to live a righteous life without marriage. How can I reach to that?
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Asalamo AlaikumWhat is the ruling regarding calling the Prophet Muhammad(Sallalahu Alaihi Wa sallam) the master of the Jinn and men or the Master of the two worlds?Question 2:Is it permissible to say ''My world has been destroyed'' or ''Gaming world'' or ''I dont know what world you're living in''?
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Is it permissible for a student of knowledge who follows the ruling that taking digital pictures is absolutely fine as long the face is covered or does not show the facial to PERMIT others to take pictures of him who follows the ruling that it is permissible to take digital pictures without covering the face and or leaving the facial as it is? I'm asking.. More
I said that prophet Muhammad is better than prophet esa and that there is no doubt about it. Is this an act as does this count as looking down on a prophet.
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Assalamualikum. I heard a video of a preacher saying that Ibn taymiyyah uttered kufr when he said that there is no beginning of hawadith and he even claimed that Al Albani pointed out this mistake and said it is obligatory to warn people against it in his book silsila ahadith under the hadith that The first thing Allah created was the pen. Are these.. More
As Salam alaikum sheikh, I'm facing difficulties. My school (University) mostly consist of non-muslims both in faculty and my fellow students. I read an answer to a similar question to which you stated "Anybody who lives in a place where there is no mosque in which Friday prayer is performed and the closest mosque to him is more than half an hour by.. More
Assalamu'alaikum, is it true in zad Al Maad Ibn Al Qayyim said that enlargening the muscles of the body weakens one's mind? Can we prefer researches by modern non muslim doctors over Ibn Al Qayyims research regarding medicine?
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Can you recommend me some beginner books of hanafi madhab.
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What are the contributions of the four guided caliphs in the spread of Islam?
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Salam Alaikum, I would like to know if the fatimids where indeed a caliphate? I know ismailis are not considered Muslims nowadays but I wonder if the fatimids where considered to be a caliphate? JAZAKALLAHU kheir
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Why was Muhammad SAW was born 2 yrs after his Father's death? Islamophobes use this to indicate that His SAW mother committed Adultery!!!
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Assalamualaikum In sahih Al Bukhari the number of wives of Sulaiman peace be upon him is 60,70,90,100,99 ,I read the article where you explained it but I didn't understand the reason why the narrator rounded the numbers,can you please explain,may Allah reward you, i had asked a question previously last month under number 2813160,I couldn't find that.. More
Assalamu alaikum. Are the ahadith about the son of Nuh alaihissalam telling Isa alaihissalam about how long the former has been dead authentic?
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SheikhAssalamu AlaikumSometimes i feels very sad because of i cant live with prophet this kind of thoughts good or bad?
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