Selected Fatwa

What can we do about freemasons who want to control the world? Freemasons want to destroy Islam... More
My husband is very loving nature during whole day, when he touches me I suddenly feel conscious than I have white discharge too. How can I differentiate this discharge is of consciousness or from an orgasm. Do I have to take a bath, if the Wudu is null?.. More
What is the difference between Qismat (lot) and Taqdeer (fate)?.. More
Is nationalism a call of Jaahiliyaah and is Haram in Islam? Answer in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah... More
I live in the West, and recently my brother back home asked me to lend him some money. My mother at first told me that he wanted to enter as a partner in a cafe (Maqha). I pointed out that is something Haram. But she said (no) it is not going to be of that 'bad' type of cafe. I asked 2 of my sisters and they all swore to me that it is going to be a.. More
I'm married and my wife's mom always kisses me. Is there any problem for that kiss? I need the answer according to Islam.
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Can a person wear a Hijab when she doesn't believe in it? (as in: forced by her parents) And does she receive reward?.. More
What is the ruling on saying Subhanallah when thundering or lightning?.. More
Is it permissible dance to songs that contain the Prophet's (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) name and other things like: "Salla Allah A'ala $Muhammad$$. Salla Allah Alaihi Wa Sallam". Songs also that includes the Names of Allah?.. More
Can a woman work as a massage therapist?.. More
Is it true that Prophet $Muhammad$$ (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) told his Ummah not to collect Hadith and make another book besides the holy Qur'an? Then what about Sahih $Bukhari$$ and Sahih $Muslim$$ and $Tirmizi$$?.. More
Please tell me your expert opinion/Fatwa in the light of the teachings of Islam, whether we can use Multivitamin capsules with gelatin shells as nutritional supplements because this is the only form available in the part of Europe where I live... More
Can I take niqab on and off, i.e. according to situation and where I go?.. More
I was pregnanat in the second month and my husband had forced me to have an abortion. What is the rule of Islam in this case... More
I am working as an Instrument technician in company-A. I have recently started a part time business after my job hours for marketing of services of another company-B. The business of both the companies are entirely different. I made an agreement with company-B that if I bring a customer for you, you will give me 20% of the service charges you receive.. More
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