Selected Fatwa

I want to know what Shariah says in using medicament that can give volume to the breast of the women, especially if a women has a small one and suffer because of it in front of their family (sister and cousins) and for her future with her potential husband? The doctors say that it helps without any problem... More
My wife is very sick and I am taking care of her every day and night. I can't work because of her illness and am able to get very little help. Question: What does our Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) say about this matter? Am I at fault for not being able to earn a living? Please give me right guidance and information... More
How to get peace of mind? I always get frightened that something bad/ misfortune will happen to my family and me. I performed prayers and others regularly but still no peace. This feeling is depriving me to do alot of things and to carry on with my life. Any Du'a to help me... More
Six directors including my father and uncle are running a multi-specialty hospital. It has all modern facilities. Its finance is from bank loan paid back in interest every month. The hospital is one of the best in Kerala, South India. Hundreds of staff are working here with very good salary. Huge amounts are given in charity. Poor patients are given.. More
What is the ruling on implantation of fertilized foreign ovum (egg) in a uterus of a woman for which her husband gave the sperm?.. More
Is it allowed in Islam to kill household pests, such as flies, spiders, ants, etc.?.. More
I wanted to ask what should I do? I have been married for several years and I have found out that my husband has been married before and divorced, also he obtained his freedom in my country by marrying his niece? This has astonished me and I do not know what to do my husband does not know I know but I have proof that this is true. Our marriage is based.. More
If a person becomes bankrupt, must he pay his debts? What is the ruling regarding this in Islam?.. More
I live in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. On holiday (Friday) I want to go to Haram (Makkah). After praying Fajr prayer can I sleep in Haram for 3 to 4 hours and get ready for Jumu'a prayer? I has clothes also in case if I want to take bath. Is it permissible to sleep in Haram or any mosque?.. More
Is it alright to pray Fajr Salat before the Adhan, if as a doctor, I sometimes have to continuously work not able to pray after the Adhan?.. More
Does Islam allow a person to swear on Holy Qur'an to prove his innocence?.. More
I would really appreciate your reply to my question concerning sexual education in the curriculum in schools. When and how should this material be presented to our students? Please reply because I am working on a project... More
I want to do business with a partner. My partner is expert in computer hardware. He wants to do business with computer parts imported from abroad. As I have seen most of the users of our country badly use this product, listening to song, porn movies, porn Internet and many other items. And also many do good works with computer. So now, is it permissible.. More
Is it lawful or unlawful for a woman (sister) to wear pastel colors or any other bright colors? And why is it lawful or unlawful? Provide proof and evidence from Qur'an and Sunnah, or from some scholarly knowledge!.. More
I have been married for nine years. I made the mistake by having anal sex nine times with my wife, but I stopped this. I am very sad for what I did. What must I do? I will do it... More
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