Selected Fatwa

I'm sorry to bother you but I need some help with my heavy heart.
A few months earlier, I had a miscarriage on hospital premises so we were not allowed to bring home the miscarried foetus, and had to arrange a proper funeral. By mistake this was arranged in a non-Muslim graveyard. We didn't know it was unlawful to bury in such a place. Please help me.. More
Can Sunnah prayers (Rawatib) be offered in the Mosque before the Azan is called?.. More
What are Islamic beliefs regarding illness, medical treatment (when to seek help) or to whom they might go for an illness?.. More
Is it true that one should not sit in toilet facing Qiblah or with his back towards Qiblah? What if position of the toilet in the house is such that one cannot avoid facing Qiblah?.. More
It is allowed to have intercourse with one's wife in her anus according to Imam Malik, al-Bukhari and Ibn Umar... More
Please guide us about the nature of collective marriages. These sort of marriages is being held in great numbers nowadays. These were the fashion of Christians. Have Muslims done it in times of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and companions, if not is it not Bida'h and how can we let Bida'h prevail... More
Is the method of slaughtering chicken in Western countries Halal considering that slaughter is done (in some cases) by a rotating blade and birds get stunned by passing their heads in water which has a certain voltage running through it?.. More
What is the provision in Islam regarding a person who has stopped offering Salat in the mosque and individually. Is not interested in Islam. Some times that person considers converting to some other religion, but not Islam. But he doesn't say anything against Islam. Otherwise he is normal. We as doctor know that blasphemous thoughts do occur in case.. More
Are we using viagra permitted in Islam?.. More
Can you give me example of who is an ideal Muslimah? Who is ideal Muslimah today and what are her signs?.. More
My husband put his penis in my mouth, then he splashes his semen in my mouth, hair, and on my face and my breast. Is this thing prohibited in Islam?.. More
I am really thankful for the opportunity you provided us, that we could share our problems here. I really want to know the wife's rights related to sexual relationships. My question is: what wife should do if her husband can't satisfy her sexually, he is very good husband in all the ways but just don't have interest in sex. Have some physical problem.. More
Does Allah have nuclear bombs?.. More
What are women's right against their in-laws? Is it her duty to follow their orders in order to please them? Is it necessary for a woman to live with her in-laws?.. More
Is it lawful to bury unborn babies (feotus) in a non-Muslim graveyard?.. More
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