Is it Halal to marry a woman who is not virgin? .. More
i met a married muslim man and we are in the states and it is against the law to be married to more than one, there is no way we can go back home soon to get married and we want to be together belhalal... some people asked him if he married me temporarily and i donot know what that meant.. i need to know how can we be married here islamically in halal.. More
I love very much one woman and I want to marry her in secret because in my country I must have only one wife. Is this marriage forbidden in Islam? What am must I do to make this marriage legal in Islam? .. More
I'm an Indian Muslim girl and wish to marry a Pakistani Muslim boy (N). We are both in love and have known each other for 2 years. We are studying in the same college. We decided to tell his mother about us but when she found out I'm not a Pathan (pusho-speaking) like them, she refused our marriage. A few months later his parents told him that they.. More
My Question: Is there an Ayah or Surah that you read when you need to find 'love' or a good husband? I'm a 23 year old female and I know dating is Haram in Islam so, I don't date and I've no other way of meeting a good Muslim husband but I really do want to get married, Insha Allah soon. So please tell me how. Thanks in advance, you have really helped.. More
Is wearing a marriage ring "Bidah"?.. More
Indeed, this is my story: I knew a girl at University who is not from my country. At the time I was ignorant and unawake; this part of the world is full of satanic temptations, dating girls, having intercourse with them. I really regret it now! But with the last girl, it lasted 5 years. I envisage marrying her knowing that she is a Muslim and her family.. More
I met a girl who is Catholic. I told her my religion (Islam) forbids me from seeing her. She told me that she wants to become a Muslim in order to be able to marry me. I find myself in a very hard situation. I don't want to marry her, but at the same time I don't want to be the reason to push her away from becoming a Muslim because if I say I am not.. More
My problem is that my aunt (wife of my dad's brother) wants me to marry her sister's son, but I don't want him because I'm only 15 years. I also want someone who knows lots of Deen. I want to be a good Muslim, not to marry someone who does not pray. What do you advise? .. More
1) There was a time when I thought sex was everything and I was having it so many times. Then I broke up with my girl and during this period when I was alone I decided to stop having meaningless sex and seek forgiveness of Allah. I did just that and its been more than a year now without sex. I was doing just fine but then I started desiring to have.. More
Sir, I am a practicing divorced Muslim woman, but not very strict. I have a 45 year-old male friend who is Muslim on paper but says he is a non-believer. How can I help this person and what should I do? He does not live a reckless life but is committing the unforgivable sin. Can a person turn from 'Kafir' to believer? I fear for my friend's afterlife. .. More
For the past 3 years, I have requested that my Mom find a religious husband for me. I didn't ask my father for I feel embarrassed to ask him of such matters. Unfortunately, they have not taken this matter seriously and have not made any real attempts. As a result, I asked my sisters for help. Instead of helping, they have advised me to place an ad and.. More
I am a Muslim woman who is going to get married this summer. My question is: I had a sex with the man I will marry. What do you think of this? Is it Haram? What must I do so that Allah forgives me? .. More
Please advise me on the following: If the second wife of a man is treated unjustly (her marriage is kept secret (no Waleema and no announcement) and in 2 ½ years she has had only 9 nights with her husband because he lives with his first wife and children and her maintenance is insufficient), is her reward greater for staying in this marriage and suffering.. More
I am in a very critical situation, I began to practice Islam recently. Three years ago when I was leading a life of ignorance, I had a lover, a Hindu girl. After I returned to Islam, I tried to avoid her, but she is not willing to leave me alone. I tried to call her to Islam, but she refuses. Now she calls me asking about getting married because she.. More
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