On saturday I met a sister who was forfune-telling (after a coffee drink, she took the cup and return back to the plate and after few minutes, she took the cup and said a lot of things, related to the person who drank the coffee). I reacted by saying "Such things are innovation! She told me that Hz Fatima (r.a) had done so. It is the first time that.. More
I am a Muslim. Sometimes I don't feel sure about Islam. I wonder if I can be100 percent sure. Can you please send me some information or books in English so I can read about Islam?
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Please enlighten me about whether it says in Qur'an that if a person disrespects the Qur'an he should be killed, if the person is a Muslim. Does it matter if he is Muslim or non-Muslim? Some says that it means the Muslim person who disrespects the Word of Allah (swt) because he knows the real truth and denias it... More
There are Muslims visiting graves (Shrines) seeking divine help. They think that the people in the graves act as mediators between them and Allah Taala. They alsothink that the people in the graves will make recommendations to Allah Taala. Surprisingly, some times it appears to be true. I came across two families. They didn'thave children for seven.. More
When someone gets shot intentionally and dies, does he die because of the bullets or does he die because it was time for him to die?In other words, can one die before the time prescribed by Allah? Or is the time preset?If one commits suicide, does he die early?.. More
When Muslims go to heaven, can they have children? If so that be ackward or abnormal because if they age they will eventually become older than their parents.
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I received an email from a friend stating that the gatekeeper of the Ka'bah had a dream and I have to distribute five copies otherwise something very bad thing will happen to me or my family. Is it true or false? I want a detailed answer to send to my friend in US and he believes in these things... More
I'm still student and want to know Islam deeply! as we know that non-Muslim will go to hell if they don't take Islam as their way of life. If someone never heard/known of Islam, Will they go to hell? If this type of people go to hell, Allah is not fair to His creatures. Please give me any dalil or statement from Hadith or Quran to assure me. Wassalam.. More