I am currently a resident of Australia and I would like to apply for a citizenship. It is not a necessity for me to become a citizen, but it has many advantages. However, one of the things that is required from a person who wants to become a citizen of Australia is to affirm allegiance to the Queen of Ustralia and affirm to obey the laws of.. More
I have no children after 2 years of my marriage. Please tell me any Du'a for this purpose. My husband and I had medical examinations and we both have some problem. But I know that my in-laws have done Saher (magic) on us. What can I do? We are worried about this.
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I feel I am being bewitched by someone, kindly let me know what is the remedy to get rid of the same ? I feel these from the things happening or coming my way
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My religious teachers have insisted that I must never question the existence of Allah. Why is this so? Surely by questioning this issue my beliefs shall be stronger via personal reasoning.
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Assalam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah I want to ask about someone who claims that he can bring angels and he can use them to inform him about things he did not know. He even claims that he can make them work for him. He gives names like "Tahtaeel" and "Kesfiaeel" and he says that he uses Qur'an for doing so. He refers to some books named "Barhateia" and.. More
Assalam-o-Aleykum, I want to get the answers of a few questions. Before writing my questions I should make clear that I am Urdu speaking and don't know Arabic so I may write some words those will be used in Urdu for the subjects I want to know about. Please manage for these Urdu words. Question 1: I have come to know that after marriage the sexual intercourse.. More
I would like to ask about Muslims who make their income from a Haram source (for example, selling alcohol in their business). A Hadeeth says what is in the meaning that when such a person asks Allah for His help, Allah does not respond to him because his source of income is Haram.
My questions are:
(1) These Muslims acknowledge that they are doing.. More
My in-laws are people who do Sihr (magic) work. My husband told me that he gave many lakhs to a person who does that type of work when he had any problem in his life to some that problem. I told him that only to ask Allah for help when some problems come. Now he changed himself. But my in-laws continue this Sihr to my family; everyone in my family is.. More