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How can we reconcile Sahih al-Bukhari 3 and Sahih al-Bukhari 6982? One mentions Waraqa bin Naufal translating the Gospel in Arabic, one in Hebrew. Also it mentions that Allah willed him to write that - but I thought that the Gospels were corrupted already at that time?JazakAllahu Khairun.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I want to know about Thul-Khalasah.
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Did Islam modify pre-Islamic things? I am asking because there are many things present in Islam that also existed in pre-Islamic Arabia, like the concept of jinn,slavery, and so on. The concept of jinn only existed in Arabia before Islam, and no other people of the world believed in them. So why are there many pre-Islamic Arabian conceptsin Islam?
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The names of idols of the pagan Arabs are well known, including Laat, Manat, and Uzza. Which was the fourth idol that was worshipped by the pagan Arabs?.. More
My question is about the Arab people before the coming of Islam in the days of Jahiliyya. Did the Arabs worship Allaah along with other idols? Many Western people who write books on Islam (thinking that they know everything) say that the Arabs before Islam came up with the idea that their god "al-lah" was the same god that the Christian and Jewish.. More
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