Could you please give me the meaning of the name Moza/mooza and if it has been the name of any person associated with our Prophet? My next question is: I want my parents who are old to stay with us. But they are not Muslims. I fear that they may bring out their religious practices in our home which I don't want. I am afraid to tell them I am.. More
I have a query regarding my studies. I have opted for biotechnology in my higher secondary school. Right now I'm in my second year. Is it a wise choice to continue my studies in biotech or other related fields like genetics/biomedicine/bioinformatics/forensic science, etc? I mean, science can be used in both good and bad ways, right? I'm interested.. More
Who started greeting in Islam? .. More
I want to send my mother for Hajj, but I have a sister (married with 4 children). She needs help because her living condition is not good. So my question is - Should I help her or first I send my mother for Hajj? Which is more important? .. More
I want to know whether we can supplicate for or on behalf of non-Muslims like Christians and the likes, and if we can, apart from supplicating for their being guided to Islam, can we supplicate for their sick ones or for, their poor ones to be endowed with Rizq and the likes. .. More
When should one make Du'a after prayer? Prophet said that Du'a after offering Fardh prayers is accepted but I have also read Hadeeth saying that he used to stand after offering Fardh so fast as if he was sitting on a hot stone? So in a prayer for example, in Thuhr should we make Du'a after offering 4 Fardh or after completing the Thuhr that.. More
A man of good religious and moral character has proposed to marry me, despite the fact that he is already married and has 2 kids. My parents do not agree to this proposal due to social issues of our society. I am confused whether I should marry him without the consent of my parents and without them knowing about it or should I forget about the.. More
I would like to know if it is permissible to visit my brothers and sisters at their homes when there is drinking (alcohol and pork) and other Haraam food is there. Plus there are other people there who are not related to me. I'm the only one who is a Muslim, the rest of my family are Hindus. Whenever they come to visit they want me to spend time.. More
For answering my question Ref. No. 8731. I have mentioned that my wife asked for divorce and not myself, she surprised me by sending the divorce paper from the lawyer without even hinting all the time we spent. She as the law order took everything I owned and I left with only my small suitcase. I still have to ask for her forgiveness? .. More
If we want something to happen very urgently, can we make a vow to Allaah like saying Al-hamdulillaah, thousand times or saying Surah Al-Faatihah hundred times? Please answer this as this is very common in my family. But I feel this is not right. I feel that we can ask Allaah for everything as He is bountiful and merciful. But my elder family.. More
A Muslim brother abused me and I want to forgive him and forget it. But whenever his name is mentioned I remember that I feel some pain. Please how can I avoid this because Allaah forbids envy and hatred? .. More
First I highly appreciated how well you are serving our religion and I beg Allaah to be rewarded you and forgives your mistakes also. After that I am MBA student, I intended my knowledge to service our religion besides I know our religion because I was born in Muslim country, my father, mother and all my relatives are Muslim but now I am not with.. More
Please show me correct path to repent myself for the sin I had done. I am married person with 3 children I love my family from my heart, but I had a problem with my wife from past 10 years that she will be fighting with me for every small things in life. I got fed up with her and was upset and out of mood. I don't want to give more stories about.. More
I am an 18 years-old Muslim. I am very interested in learning about our religion. When I am in need of something, I become very pious and righteous. But there is one time when all my piousness goes. That is during the holidays. I become ungrateful to Allaah. I don't know why. Now presently I am waiting my results. And I have holidays for 3.. More
My Muslim friend in India, has a Muslim wife, she is the daughter of a very rich man .Her father gets a rent of INRS 400,000 per month from a company, in Mumbai. What is her share from the rent? They are 3 brothers and one sister in all. The father, on instigation from his eldest son, adopted the grandson as his adopted son. The father has given.. More
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