I bought something from a company and they told me that they will take extra amount of dollars and then they will send it by mail for me. long time passed and I recieved nothing and I went back to the company they told me you will recieve nothing because we forget to tell you that there is a form that you should fill to take your money back. and now.. More
how the sigha should be i f i deputize my father to do the mariage contract . and how my name should be announced( husband )because the guardian can not say to my father i marry you off my daughter since is not the husband... More
Asalmohalikom: I am pakistani muslim. i work in a ware houe (store) of fertilizer company. There the company send its fertilizer bags. Some come directly to the store which is under our authourty to sold them. and some come on the names of dealers which have the dirct connect with th company. What happend is that dealer fix the price of bag for example.. More
Assalum Alaikom. I am the General Manager of a company. I was told that when I die, I am still in charge of the accounts payables and any debts of the company till the time of my death. Given the nature of any business, there are always accounts payable on the balance sheet. It is very hard to eliminate all accounts payable. Please note that we do not.. More
I'm working in a Muslim Students Organization. We receive donations (Kafalah)from Arab countries to sponsor Da'ees (Islamic Preachers) to work full-time or part-time. We live in a developing country as a minority community & we have to depend on such sponsorship to carryout Da'wah activities. But sometimes it so happens that such donations specifically.. More
please, i am in situation where ii need to know wether i am taking a money in "halaal" way or "haraam". the situation is like this: my brother needs me to buy him laptop computers lets say five. i have found them. thier price is 250 Us $, if i give him in 320 Us $. he will send the money 320 Us $ and will take the 70$. so is that legal. although the.. More
A lady gave may husband a bag full of used clothes to take it to the Christian organization. And my husband thought if he gives it to somebody else (who is a Muslim) that he knows would be better than to take the bag to the Christian organization. My question is, isn't the bag which is full of used clothes (Amana) and he is supposed to take it where.. More
In my company executives has a privilege to hire taxis when the company vehicle not available for office use. After spending for the taxis they simply put a voucher and reimburse the money they spend. Certain executive use this facility in a different way. They use public transport and claim the taxi fares (e.g. certain distance that taxi fare.. More
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