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451 fatwas

  • Making researches and collecting data for alcohol producers

    Assalaam Alaikum, I am a Kenyan Muslim working in a Market Research firmin Nairobi. As a researcher, I am supposed to be managing project and conducting surveys for companies-collecting views and sometimes organizing product tests and making reports. Some of our clients are Alcohol producers, and I have been requested on several occasions to manage.. More

  • Videoing weddings that contain prohibitions

    Esselamu aleykum, My husband and I live in Europe, Albania. We have a problem and we want to take a scholar’s opinion about it. My husband is self-employed; he is a cameraman and has a montage studio. We have sacrificed so much to maintain the studio because, we did that alone without any help and is the only income for our family. I know that.. More

  • Working where jewelry is made in the form of a cross

    Assalamu-alaykum! I work as a production superviser in a jewelry company which produces various kinds of golden jewelry.As far as i know,more than 99% of our product is legal according to the islamic law .But recently, i have found out that among the products which were sold to the Europe ,there is cross on it(it was made according to the buyer's.. More

  • Cleaning a business center owned by a commercial bank

    Asalamu Alaykum Warahmah.Dear brothers Iam working in a business center as a cleaner under a sub agency which is assigned to clean the business center, so this business center in which Iam working is run and owned by a bank,so I feel confussed if my earning from that work lawful or unlawful.what is the rulling for this question. Jazakallaahu Khayraa .. More

  • An art teacher as a career

    I am in a state of complete dilemma right now. I am an art teacher and one of the requirements to teach the fundamentals of Art is portrait drawing. Let me qoute a hadith I found, "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The most severely punished of the people on the Day of Resurrection will be the image-makers.” Narrated.. More

  • Working for au-pair companies

    Asalaamu Aleykum, i have a question about whether it's aloud for me to have my internship at a company who is specialised in bringing girl/boys from a poor foreign country to a rich western country and places them in homes and let them do some light household activities and taking care of the kids of the family, in exchange of pocket money, board and.. More

  • Working as a nail technician for non-Muslim women

    salamu alaikum, what is the view of working as a nail technition applying, painting and adecorating nails, of people that are non muslim, which deosnt affect there wudu?.. More

  • Selling cars to people who buy them through usurious banks

    i have been working as a car salesman for different car dealers for the last 2 years.most cars i sell go through banking or financing and the customers pay interest ofcourse.i don't do the finance part but i know about it because i get paid on commision. is it halal or haram knowing that 90% of buyers finance... More

  • Develops a software program for a shop which sells revealing clothes

    Assalamu Alaikum I work in a software company. If the company orders me to make or repair software for non-islamic activity i just refuse (La hawla wala quwwata illaa billah). but now i am developing software for a shop which sells ladies saaree (an indian dress) , extravagant wedding dresses , unready suite etc. whereas i don't know that the majority.. More

  • Working as an insurance surveyor

    I am practicing as a 'General Insurance Surveyor / Loss adjuster in India. Insurance Co's instructs me to calculate the loss of the claim obtained(from Insured) on which I submit my technical report about the loss of the claim & fee paid to my service. Iam not a employee of any Does my earnings are Halal as per Islam. If not can I extend.. More

  • Working in a warehouse which contains wine

    Asalam o Alakim I have different questions and hope inshallah you will send me answers. 1. If Muslim (canadian) is a police man in Canada and he becames killed by robbers. he will be shaeed or not. 2. Phtoography is Aram or not. 3. If a Muslim is working in non muslim country. he is working in warehouse and there is lot of stuff i.e car, retails, computers.. More

  • A male radiologist taking x-ray images for females

    Assalaamu aleikum Dear scholars, i am student and want to know if radiologic technology is halal job for muslims to major in the usa These are some that i am not sure of positioning patients both sexes taking images xray both sexes.. More

  • Working in women’s fashion design

    Assalamu Aleikum, I am seeking guidance from Allah and yourselves on this issue. I currently have a job that I have deemed to be haraam as it involves riba. I have a very exciting new job offer but I do not know if it is halaal. It is in the fashion industry, and it is mainly women's fashion. It is not Islamic Fashion. I would not be directly responsible.. More

  • Selling pizza made from non-Thabeehah meat

    Assalamu Alaykum: My husband works at a pizza and fried chicken restaurant. The fried chicken he sells is halal, but some pizza ingredients are made from not halal chicken and not halal beef, I mean just regular chicken bought at a regular supermarket, not at the halal store. He wants to know if is it allowed in Islam to sell no halal food and if his.. More

  • Working in a usurious bank to pay there back his study loan

    bismellah arrahmen arrahim is it haram to work in bank in my cas which folow ? i was sponsored by bank and have to work for six years otherwise i have to pay 18000 DINARS as the money spent by the bank in order to achieve my studies i stress that before signing the contract with the bank i ignore that interest bank is considered as riba; what to do.. More