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As Salaam Aalikum If a man leaves behind $90,000. Please divide this amount among two sons and one daughter.Please provide actual calculations Jazak Allah.. More
Assalamualeikum, I have a question that is troubling my husband and myself.......My husband n my nand are two children of their parents..... 1 year ago,by d whole family wish,my inlaws' home that was in my mother-in-law's name,was sold in 14 lakhs......n we booked a new home in my hubby's name that costs 45 my hubby took a loan for d remaining.. More
how is the inheritance of 4 children shared (by %) and share of wife who is not theire mother, and the children are 2 boys and 2 girls. thank you... More
my property was distributed among 3 siter and myself b4 8 years. according to moulavis i was liable to pay rs 6000/ to my 3 sisters. i payed to my 2 siter and due to some financial problem i was facing i dint pay yet her she is demamding rs 60,000/insted of rs 6000/ soplease tell me howmuch should i pay my thrd sister... More
is it correct that I should give my inheritance to my parents if i have no kids and no husband. It is not written in the Holy Koran that I should give them nothing because they are Christians. The Holy Koran is talking about the people who have a right to inherit like the parents. Are my parents entitled to get from the 2/3 of the inheritance or can.. More
Al Salam Alikom. I have a husband, one daughter only, mother, father, three brothers, and three sisters. I own a house and a pice of land. If I die, who is going to inheret me from these people and what is the percentage of each. Thank you in advance and gazakom Allah Khaira... More
Salaam...A man with one son and 4 daughters died leaving behind some property. The son and 2 of the daughters married and had children. The other 2 daughters did not marry. This generation lived together and did not divide the property. All 5 are now dead. The third generation, ie the children of these son and daughters now wish to divide the property.. More
Dear Respected Scholars Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah Is is allowed for an individual with substantial property to divide the whole property between his only two sons whilst there is no fear of death in the near future (by usual understanding of livespan)? What is the ruling if there are others who are potential inheritors still alive like grandchildren,.. More
My father purchased plots only for his sons (six sons) with proper documentation and mutation from concerned office, transferring the ownership in names of his sons. Now after he passed away, every son has a file duly registered in his name. Do we need to include these plots in calculating shares of all others heirs, that is, daughters and mother. There.. More
Dear Brother of Islam Assalamu alikum warahmatullah, I would like to ask a question about the property distribution. We have four son's and three sisters and the value of the property is approximately 350,000. How do they have to distribute this property. Actually this property is from Father's side, now my father is died, when my father alive.. More
Salam o Alaikum My question is that my eldest brother took all charge of properties after my father death and not agree and ready to share the properties according to sharia and sunnah i personaly left this matter on the my almighty Allah that one day he will make the justice my other brother and sisters want their share anyhow now plz advise me that.. More
Assalamo Alikom, Can grandchildren inherit from their grandmother if their mother (daughter of the deceased person) died first. And how is the property divided if the grandmother left 5 daughters, 2 sons, 1 sister and grandchildren from 2 deceased daughters. Thank you. Ali.. More
Salam Aleikum.I have found out that a muslim can not inherit from a non-muslim. I am my parents only child. Shall I talk with my parents about excluding me and my children from inheritance or shall I leave the subject? I don't know if they made a will and I can not imagine their reaction... More
Salam, my question is for example we have property of 100K in my fathers name out of this only 25K is from my fathers saving & 75K from my earnings. while sharing the inheritance shall we share whole 100% in between brothers & sisters or only to share 25% which is my fathers actual savings? Also we have one more house in my mothers name which.. More
whether an heir who has been gifted some property by a deceased person can inherit any further property from the deceased person.The deceased person give gift during his life as share from his property and he said this many times in his life that this heir has got his share and other heirs will get remaining but after his death property was transfered.. More
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