If a small, hard piece of human feces falls on a carpet without leaving any visible traces, and the carpet has been vacuumed many times afterwards, will it be permissible to pray on it? What if someone walked on said carpet with dry feet or socks? And if he/she continued to walk on another carpet after this, will it be permissible to pray on the second.. More
If a dog licks me and I am in a state of janabah will ghusl removed the impurity or do I need to do a separate washing to get rid of it.Also if the dog licked me but I became junub will ghusl be ok to remove the impurity even if I didn't wash off the impurity earlier?>( Only asking according to hanafi madhaab) .. More
Essalam alaykoum Is it possible to use wipes Which can be humids instead of using toilet paper for istijmar? Barakallahou fikoum. .. More
I accidentally dried myself with a impure towel(few drop of impure water fell on it) is my body impure? Do I have to do wudu or wash myself again, if I touch water does it become impure? .. More
Asalamalikum, this morning I accidently urineted on the bathroom floor in my sleep my wife walked into the puddle barefoot thinking I spilt water on the floor again and ignored it and then walked around the house. Later when she went back into the bathroom she realised it was urine on the floor. How does she purify the house as she has walked around.. More
Assalamu alikum My question is regarding purity. We live on first floor of a building. Just above our toilet and bathroom, There is toilet and bathroom of the second floor portion. In the monsoon season and winter season, the roof and upper part of walls of our ttoilet become dampened because of nijs water of second floor toilet. After drying the walls,.. More
I am an average looking 29 years old unmarried girl. My eyesight is very weak therefore i use to wear contact lenses.Recently, I came to know that contact lenses may contain a by product of urea.I am worried whether is it allowed to wear such lenses.I want to mention that contact lenses are transparent made of material known as 2-hydroxyenthal methcrylate.My.. More
Assalamu alaikkum, I was laying down on a piece of thick sheet made of cotton. The underwear I was wearing was already impure with a few drops of urine and madhiy. I didn't change it as I have problem of madhiy and thought of changing it during prayer. But I had ejaculation and when I notice the thin cloth I was covered with is totally wet and also.. More
If a dish or cloth had pork impurity on it, but was washed but a stain/colour of it still remained, is it pure? how about everything that was washed with it? If there is a dish that cannot get clean and is from previous tenants, and may seem a bit sticky and just cannot get clean but is not just a stain, but we don't know what it is, is it impure? as.. More
If I buy second hand clothes from non muslim or charity shop, do i need to purify them by soil in assumption that the previous owners might have touched dogs in times of wearing them? .. More
If I taste blood in my mouth and swallow it does anything I touch like glasses and cups become najis and is my saliva najis? If the things like cups are colourless can I leave it? .. More
Out of keenness to cover myself properly, I wear very long clothes which touch the earth. Given that, are my clothes considered impure and I cannot pray wearing them? .. More
To which age is a child's urine not considered impure to invalidate Wudhoo’ (ablution)? Thank you. .. More
I have a sister who is the mother of two boys. One is two years old and the other is six months old. The older son frequently urinates on his parents' clothes and they know that the prayer is invalid with such clothes unless they change them and wash them. This is very difficult for them. They do not pray now under the pretext that they can not change.. More
Are rotted fruits and vegetables pure? .. More
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