There are 2040 articles

  • Muslims in India

    Overall, the Muslims of India make up 13.4 percent of the country's population of over one billion. Islam is India's largest minority religion. India's Muslim communities tend to be more urban than rural. In many towns and cities in northern India, Muslims are one-third or more of the population. The largest concentrations of Muslims live in the.. More

  • Malaysia: Islamic economic tiger

    The heritage of Islam in science and arts is clear evidence that Islamic concepts are compatible with the present and future aspirations of the Muslims. The success of Malaysia in building a vibrant economy and a cohesive national identity from a patchwork of cultures has shown that Islam guides its believers toward knowledge, progress, tolerance.. More

  • Senility: the second childhood

    Senility is a mental disorder that disables the patient from performing a number of mental and rational functions properly, like thinking, learning and memorizing. It is a progressive condition in that it increases in time. At first, it does not appear as seriously prohibitive of daily activities, but later it incapacitates the patient to the point.. More

  • Milestones in global Islamic Banking

    The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) is an association of central banks and monetary authorities, and other institutions launched by theMalaysian Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on 3 November 2002, for the regulation and supervision of the Islamic financial services institutions. It is the foundation for the.. More

  • Moroccans abroad asked to invest

    Morocco wants to lure back its citizens living abroad to reverse a brain drain and reduce poverty, but many say they have worked hard to carve out a life in Europe and to return would be a leap into the unknown. The three million Moroccans living abroad represent around 10 per cent of the country's resident population and their money transfers.. More

  • Israeli exit to boost Gaza economy

    As the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip draws to a close, hopes for economic prospects in this impoverished, strife-torn land have been renewed. Already, the EU has pledged investments in Gaza, with 700-800 million euros of mainly infrastructure projects by June, according to Antoine Eric de Haulleville, head of the EU's International.. More

  • Muslim women in New Zealand

    Brief Introduction New Zealand is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, located south of the equator in the Southern Hemisphere, and marking the eastern boundary of the Tasman Sea, a portion of the Pacific Ocean that separates New Zealand and the nearest large landmass, Australia, by a distance of about 1,600 km (1,000 mi). New Zealand.. More

  • The ugly face of Israeli checkpoints

    There is a bottleneck of people at the small entrance to Endless Checkpoints, a recently opened photography exhibition in Tel Aviv. To get into the main exhibition hall, where pictures of daily strife at a series of West Bank checkpoints are exhibited, visitors must first pass a TV screen showing footage of the Qalandiya checkpoint. And here.. More

  • Darfur clouds over UN Assembly

    The hope, the fear, the disappointmentin the United Nations in the run-up to the 61st General Assembly could be summed up in one word - Darfur. The hope was represented by a huge rally for Darfur in New York's Central Park on Sunday, as leaders and diplomats assembledfor the annual UN gathering. Tens of thousands who demonstrated against the.. More

  • Bulgaria: the sufferings of one million Muslims

    For the past century, Muslims in the Balkans are the victims of many episodes of ethnic cleansing by the crusaders and later by the Communists in Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Greece. As Communism collapsed, the Muslims in Eastern Europe are still facing suppression, discrimination, harassment and intolerance. In.. More

  • Muslims in the Caribbean

    There are 31 countries in the Caribbean, which are classified linguistically into four regions, such as English speaking, French speaking, Spanish speaking and Dutch speaking Islands. There are 19 English speaking countries; five French speaking countries; three Spanish speaking countries and four Dutch speaking Islands. Muslims from different parts.. More

  • Albania under siege -I

    Geographical facts: Albania (Albanian Shqipëria, “Country of the Eagle”), is a republic in southeastern Europe, and it is officially known as the Republic of Albania. Albania lies along the northwestern edge of the Balkan Peninsula, with a total area of 28,748 sq km (11,100 sq mi). The greatest distance from north to south is about.. More

  • Albania under siege -II

    Albania today: Today Albania is surrounded by Italy, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Almost 4 million Albanians live in the Republic of Albania. Another 2 million live in Kosova and an additional 700,000 in Macedonia. Adding up the number of people scattered in the territories, there are an estimated 6.5 million ethnic Albanians... More

  • Iraq oil and colonial powers –II

    World War II In accordance with its treaty of alliance with Britain, Iraq broke off diplomatic relations with Germany early in September 1939 and during the first few months of World War II had a pro-British government under Premier General Nuri as-Said. In March 1940, however, Said was replaced by Rashid Ali al-Gailani, an extreme Arab nationalist,.. More

  • Iraq: oil and colonial powers -I

    The Mongol sacked Baghdad in 1258 and there was further pillage of this city by the Turkic conqueror Tamerlane in the following century. In less than a century, the Mongol conquerors themselves converted to Islam, and Islamic power resurged in Turkey and India after being dislodged from the Arabian heartland. The story of the invasion of Baghdad.. More