There are 2041 articles

  • Tunnels feed besieged Gaza

    Hundreds of tunnels under the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt are keeping many of the Palestinian territory's 1.5 million impoverished residents supplied with food and fuel. On Saturday, Egyptian authorities found the entrances of three tunnels and confiscated a large amount of fuel about to be smuggled into the territory. Sources say.. More

  • Israel stocks up local cluster bombs instead of heeding calls for ban

    Israel has cut purchases of U.S.-made cluster bombs, defense officials said on Tuesday, stocking up on supplies from a state-owned Israeli company rather than heeding calls for an outright ban. More than 100 countries have banned the bombs because they can kill indiscriminately. Cluster bombs have a relatively high failure rate compared.. More

  • Casualties of another war

    The deadly blast in Islamabad was a revenge attack for what has been going on over the past few weeks in the badlands of the North-West Frontier. It highlighted the crisis confronting the new government in the wake of intensified US strikes in the tribal areas on the Afghan border. Hellfire missiles, drones, special operation raids inside Pakistan.. More

  • China vows "preemptive strikes" on Uighur Muslims

    China is preparing to put high-pressure on Uighur Muslims by forcing them to accept identification with the Chinese nation and Chinese culture. China will conduct a "re-education" drive against Uighur Muslims in East Turkistan with its Party chief vowing preemptive attacks, Reuters said. Historical records show that the Uyghurs have a.. More

  • Turkish PM: Islamophobia should be a crime of humanity

    Defining Turkey as not only a geographical but also a cultural, social and political bridge, Erdogan said that Turkey was therefore an important country for the Alliance of Civilizations Initiative. The Turkish prime minister said on Monday that countries should express their peace and justice demand. Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.. More

  • Gaza's tunnel economy stumbles

    Fayez Shweikh, one of Gaza's up-and-coming businessmen, shakes his head as he considers his mixed fortunes. In the past year, he had significantly increased his household income by investing in a black-market, "tunnel" economy, which relied on smuggled goods siphoned through underground passages between Egypt and Gaza. Israel has always.. More

  • Palin and her pro-Zionist politics

    Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s religious life and her beliefs have become a topic of intense interest and scrutiny here — due to her recent meteoric rise from relative obscurity to Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential running mate. Press interviews with the two pastors she is most closely associated with in Wasilla, her hometown in Alaska.. More

  • Uncovering Turkey's dark past

    Many ethnic Kurds and Turks hope that an ongoing investigation into an undercover organization may help explain hundreds of unsolved murders, disappearances and bombings which rocked Turkey in the early 1990s. State prosecutors allege that a highly-secretive group - 'Ergenekon' - was responsible for many unsolved, high-profile killings in Turkey in.. More

  • Kashmir's forgotten collective past

    Over the past several weeks, dozens of Muslim protesters have been killed and injured in violence which has rocked the Kashmir Valley. The problem which sparked the most recent violent protests in Kashmir centers on the issue of land allocation for Hindu pilgrims who were planning to visit the cave Shrine of Amarnath. In late May, S. K. Sinha, the.. More

  • Gratitude - II

    Again, knowing and recognising the favors, as well as their source, is the initial step and it precedes thanking Allah. Recognising favors such as the favors of being able to move, walk, work, exercise, sleep, eat etc. all branch from the great favor of being healthy. The favor of being humans; the favor of being Muslims; the favor of being guided;.. More

  • A glimpse at the life of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab – III

    His checking on the situation of his people: Aslam, may Allah be pleased with him, who was the freed slave of 'Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “I accompanied `Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, to the marketplace. A woman came after him saying, ‘O Commander of the Believers! I am a widow and a mother.. More

  • Family Disintegration – III

    Neglecting one's family and failing to give them enough to suffice their needs results in them leaving their homes in order to find a source of income, and in many cases it leads to women committing adultery; there are many real life stories proving this, and in these cases it is not sexual desire that pushed the woman to indulge in this immorality.. More

  • Family Disintegration – II

    Furthermore, drugs are one of the reasons behind family disintegration. This is a dangerous disease that has affected a lot of the youth nowadays. Our enemies have spread drugs and on account of our youth not being brought up Islamically, this explosion of drugs is but a natural result. Also, unemployment forces young men to deal with drugs to make.. More

  • The Hellfire described

    Allah has warned us in His Book about the Hellfire and has informed us about the different types of punishments it will have, to the extent that one's heart splits due to fear. Allah has informed us about its torment due to His mercy, so that we would therefore fear and avoid it. Listen to the verses in the Book of Allah that address the description.. More

  • Sarogini Naidu

    The famous poetess of India says about Islam: "It was the first religion that preached and practiced democracy; for in the mosque, when the call for prayer is sounded and worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five times a day when the peasant and king kneel side by side and proclaim: 'God Alone is Great'! I have been.. More