There are 8 articles

  • The Importance of Water to Human Beings

    Author: Dr. Raaghib As-Sirjaani Water is one of the most important environmental elements for all living creatures on earth. The great emphasis that Islam lays on proper utilization of water starts with edifying man on the extreme importance of this vital element, and how Allah, The Exalted, created all living beings from it, and that none but Him.. More

  • Ecology and Islamic values -IV

    "Fitrah" (Deep primordial nature) As opposed to certain popular doctrines, which hold that the cosmos is flawed and human nature is basically bad, Islam tells us that our deepest nature is beautiful, harmonious and right. It is only ignorance and bad choices, not an original built-in flaw, that can prevent us from realizing the fullest fruits.. More

  • Ecology and Islamic values -III

    "Tawheed" and "'Adl" Unity and Justice Allah's Tawheed or Unity is central to the Quranic message, and with that unity comes perfect justice. The idea that everything in this world, indeed everything in all of the many worlds that surround us in space and time, and perhaps other dimensions as well, stems from a single source, is.. More

  • Ecology and Islamic values -II

    Living with and loving Allah's Creation Let us think about some of the ways that Islam's spiritual orientation and its concrete rules for social and economic life, offer potential solutions to concrete problems that face us. Islam asks us to submit to Allah, to bend toward our creator as a reed bends in the wind. Put in another way, this suggests.. More

  • Ecology and Islamic values - I

    I could understand "do not drink the water." Or even "no swimming—polluted water." But "do not touch the water"!? Something about that sign, and the reality it pointed to seemed deeply, irrevocably wrong. The fact that it was the nearest campground to Disneyland somehow made the whole situation even creepier. .. More

  • Islam teaches the love of animals

    On a recent shopping trip, I happened to pass by a pet shop, where a big monkey in a small cage outside the entrance broke my heart. I gathered up the guts to enter the shop, only to leave in tears, deeply saddened by what I had seen. Poor, helpless animals imprisoned in tiny cages withouteven enough space to turn around; their sad, pleading eyes.. More

  • Abusing the environment: an Islamic perspective

    Islam shows great concern for the environment. A number of verses in the Quran and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, have addressed this issue. Islam’s solution to environmental problems lies in man’s adaptation of the guidance of Islam. Allah has stated that He made all the material objects on earth for man’s.. More

  • Etiquette towards animals

    Islamic guidelines: A Muslim considers most animals to be deserving of a certain level of respect as creatures. He shows mercy to them due to the mercy of Allah upon them. He also adheres to the following manners with respect to them, which are part of the etiquettes that Islam encourages Muslims to fulfill: 1. A Muslim feeds or gives water to an.. More


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