There are 38 articles

  • Destruction Is the Reward for Ungratefulness

    Author: Islamweb A closer look at the Noble Quran would reveal in many references the consequences of those who are arrogant over the apparent or inward blessings which Allah has bestowed upon them. They use these blessings for purposes other than what Allah has permitted. They receive immediate punishment in this world, let aside the torment.. More

  • Swimming in the Ocean of Allah’s Bounties

    Author: Dr. Khalid Sa`d Al-Najjar In a shabby room atop the roof of one of the houses, a poor widow led with her young child a simple life in difficult circumstances. That family had lost much, but they were granted the blessing of contentment and gratitude. The winter season, with its heavy rains, was a constant worry for them, as the room consisted.. More

  • Our Relationship with the Universe

    • Author: Extracted from Mushkilaat Fee Tareeq Al-Hayaah Al-Islaamiyyah by Muhammad Al-Ghazaali I hate the (adulterated) religiosity that blinds a person to the beauty and grandeur of the universe and impairs his understanding against grasping its secrets and harnessing them for his benefit. As I recite the Quran, I sometimes feel that Allah,.. More

  • Being Bashful of Allah The Almighty

    A person who is bashful of people seeing him commit an evil act, should be more bashful of Allah The Almighty. Consequently, he should neither neglect an obligation nor commit a sin as he knows that Allah The Almighty sees him and that He will inevitably call him to reckoning on the Day of Resurrection. Therefore, he feels bashfulness of his Lord. It.. More

  • Having good expectations of Allah: An act of worship and key to happiness

    Having good expectations of Allah, the Exalted, is a great act of worship that a believer should fill his heart with in all his states and throughout his life. He should evoke his good expectations of Allah with regard to receiving guidance and Rizq (provision) and whenever he hopes for the righteousness of his offspring, the acceptance of his supplications,.. More

  • Know Allah in prosperity, and He will Know you in adversity

    In his comprehensive advice to Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allaah be pleased with him, and all Muslims after him, the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Know Allah in prosperity, and He will know you in adversity.” [This addition was authentically attributed to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, cited by Imam At-Tirmithi.. More

  • Hope – the Most Sublime Rank for the Followers

    In this article, we will talk about hoping for Allah's mercy. The believers’ relationship with their Lord is characterized both by fear and hope, such that the former deters them from sins and disobedience, whereas the latter drives them towards good deeds. Ibn Al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said: “Hoping for the reward of Allah.. More

  • The love of Allah

    An exceptional love The love of Allah should occupy man's heart and get total possession of it; and if it does not seize it entirely, it should at least outweigh the love of all other things in it. Allah Says about the believers, (what means): "He loves them and they love Him," [Quran 5:54] and the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said:.. More

  • Makkah - The dearest of all lands to Allah and His Messenger

    The Value of Glorifying the Sacred City: The importance of values lies in the fact that they are the criterion by which people, ideologies, actions, positions and subjects can be judged and measured; moreover, values decide the identity of the community; the values in a given community have a direct effect and influence on the manners and conduct which.. More

  • Gratitude - I

    Gratitude is the greatest way to live for those who possess high ranks of righteousness, and such people did not reach these lofty ranks except through their gratitude; this is because belief is comprised of two halves; one half is gratitude and the other is perseverance. Gratitude is to acknowledge being treated well by Allah; it is also to praise.. More

  • Congratulations O Close Friend of Allah!

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “Allah The Exalted Says, 'I will declare war against him who shows hostility to an ally of Mine. The dearest thing to Me with which My slave comes nearer to Me is what I have enjoined upon him; and My slave keeps on coming closer to Me through performing voluntary acts of worship until I.. More

  • Etiquette towards The Messenger of Allah

    One of the joys that Allah grants His servant is to love His beloved Noble Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and how can it be otherwise, when to love the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is one of the conditions of faith? Imam Al-Bukhari, may Allaah have mercy upon hin, related from Abu Hurayrah, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the.. More

  • Draw Closer to Your Lord - II

    - Keep reciting the morning and evening Athkar (words of remembrance) and remember Allah The Almighty often in general. This is because if the tongue is busy with the remembrance of Allah The Almighty, it will keep the mind and heart busy with it; thus, the Muslim will not find time to think of something other than Allah The Almighty. - You should.. More

  • Draw Closer to Your Lord - I

    When a person contemplates the state of people who are trapped in forbidden lusts and those who pursue the satisfaction of their instincts and desires, you will find that they share a common factor, which is evident in their every movement and moment of repose, and which is reflected in their facial features: a weak connection with Allah The Almighty... More

  • The Seriousness of the Trust in the Noble Quran

    Allah Almighty says (what means): {O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined.. More


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