There are 501 articles

  • Way to perform night prayer

    Question: My question is, do I have to pray at midnight and over to be considered as Qiyaam-allail? If just I wake up at night and do some Tasbeeh, is this also as Qiyaam-allail? If so, do I have to be in a full Tahaarah (purification) Wudoo'? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy.. More

  • Missed two days of Ramadan deliberately

    Question: 3 years ago, I missed 2 fasts of Ramadan with no reasonable excuse. I attempted to fast 60 consecutive days in order to expiate my sin, but after 14 days of fasting, I broke my fast (with no reasonable excuse) on the 15th day. Can I make up the remaining 46 fasts or do i have to start again and do all 60 consecutively? Fatwa: All perfect.. More

  • Rulings on the Expiation Paid for Not Fasting

    Question My grandfather is sick. I give on his behalf ten Dirhams per day from his own money as an expiation for not fasting. I do this sometimes after the Iftaar (sunset meal that concludes the fast), sometimes in the morning, and other times before the Iftaar. Does this free him from liability? Is it enough? What intention should I have when I give.. More

  • The valid intention of fasting

    Question In Ramadan, we performed the Taraaweeh prayer and bought our Sahoor (pre-dawn meal) and prepared it. Nevertheless, we slept and did not wake before dawn. Is that a valid intention, or is our fasting invalid? Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah,.. More

  • Ramadan's crescent sighting by a reliable authority

    Ramadan's crescent sighting by a reliable authority Fatwa No : 115026 Question I live in Leeds[NT1],a British city, where we face an issue. The Shaykh of our Masjid (Mosque) says that we follow the European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) in fasting Ramadan and determining the first day of the ‘Eed. This year, however, he suddenly.. More

  • 27th of Rajab and 15th of Sha'ban

    Question: I have to question concerning the month of Rajab and Sha'ban. Some people say that the 27th Rajab and 14th of Sha'ban nights of worship. Please explain in detail, so I can help my Pakistani community to understand this, because in our country they said that it is a special night and I don't see any evidence in the Hadeeth why they said that.. More

  • Tattoos in Islam

    Question: Why are tattoos banned in Islam? No they don't affect health, nothing will happen to you if you get a little tattoo. Also, if it affects Tahaarah, that is not true. Does God Almighty care about a little centimeter of dotted skin? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship.. More

  • Celebrating the Prophet’s birthday and the anniversary of the dead

    Question: Assalamu alaikum.Is there a report that Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to distribute camel meat on the death anniversary of Khadeejah(Allah be pleased with her)?Is this a Hadees or written in History?Some Muslims are using this report to justify that we can do such acts and is Sunnah when someone dies and since Prophet(peace.. More

  • Reciting Du'aa from the Quran in Rukoo' and Sujood

    Question: Is it permissible to recite Du'aa from the Quran in Rukoo' and Sujood? For example, the Du'aa's in Quran 2:287-286. Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His Slave and Messenger. There is no objection.. More

  • Forcing Muslims to Practice Islam

    Question There are many riligous organisations in our area who say that islam has spread by the sword, and they force people to pray, they force people to keep beard and many other things. so is it allowed in islam to force some one to do fard or sunnah? Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy.. More

  • Thinks he is physically unable to go to Hajj

    Question: Asalaamu Alaikum. I was just wondering I am in poor health and wondered since Hajj is coming up if I could perform something like Hajj and still reap the benefits and the closeness to Allahis there anything close to Hajj that I can do instead of the journey? I have a bad heart and do not think I could take the walking running and everything... More

  • Missed fasts in Ramadan without a valid excuse and delayed making up for them

    Question: Eminent Shaykh, I did not fast for three days in Ramadan without a valid excuse when I was fifteen and seventeen. But now, my Lord has bestowed upon me the favor of guidance, Alhamdulillaah. Now I am twenty-one years old. How should I make up for those fasts? Is fasting only due upon me or fasting as well as an expiation? I am now making.. More

  • Fasting in Shawwaal before fasting the missed days in Ramadan

    Question: I was told that I can fast 6 days in Shawwaal, and later fast the days I missed in Ramadan. Is this permissible? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, is His slave and Messenger. The Prophet, sallallaahu.. More

  • Way to perform night prayer

    Question: My question is, do I have to pray at midnight and over to be considered as Qiyaam al-Lail (night prayer)? If just I wake up at night and do some Tasbeeh, is this also as Qiyaam al-Lail? If so, do I have to be in a full Tahaarah (purification) Wudu? Fatwa: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there.. More

  • Zakat is obligatory every lunar year

    Question: We muslims are giving zakah every year & we know it is obligatory, one of my friend questioned why we have to give every year , where it is written??As per him It is once in a life. Please give the evidences from Quran & Hadith for supporting that zakah has to give yearly basis. Abdurrazzaque Fatwa: All perfect praise be to.. More


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