There are 30 articles

  • Al-Istisqa in the Prophetic Biography

    In Arabic, ‘istisqa’ means seeking rain. In the Islamic Sharia, it refers to supplicating Allah Almighty for rain during times of drought or scarcity. Sound human nature instinctively turns to Allah alone for help and support in times of hardship and need. Allah, the Exalted, says: “Is He [not best] Who responds to the desperate one.. More

  • The bestowal of Friday upon the Ummah of Muhammad

    Allah the Exalted, endowed the Ummah (Nation) of Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, with distinct characteristics – in this worldly life and the Hereafter – that were not conferred upon any of the nations before it. Although it is the last nation to arise in this worldly life, it surpasses all preceding nations in status, for it is.. More

  • The virtues and rewards of prayer in Islam

    The obligatory five daily prayers were prescribed during the night the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, ascended to the heavens, while the commands for the remaining acts of worship were revealed to the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, on earth. This indicates the special status and importance of prayer as an act of worship. Prayer: the.. More

  • The audacity of faith

    The prayer has never been this hard Libraries are like studios. No sound goes unheard. No noise passes without someone looking up or, in this case, a librarian hissing and excitedly shushing the disturber of the peace, silencing the noise polluter. Nervously flitting and creeping about the bookshelves, I was endeavoring to be as quiet as such can.. More

  • Tips on safeguarding and improving your prayers

    The following is some advice to help you preserve and safeguard your prayer, and perform it in a proper manner, which makes it more likely to be accepted, • Perform Wudhoo’ (ablution) properly because the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “Allah made compulsory upon Himself to Admit into Paradise any Muslim who properly.. More

  • The congregational prayer

    The virtues of the congregational prayer: Performing the obligatory prayers in congregation is mandatory and required of every believing adult male who has no excuse for not doing so. Many authentic Hadeeths highlight the superiority and excellence of praying in congregation. Among these Hadeeths are: The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said:.. More

  • Rain Prayer

    This prayer is a means of seeking rain from Allah, the Exalted, during times of drought. That is, people are naturally disposed to ask help from the One Who is able to support them; Allah Alone. This prayer was known among the previous nations. It is regarded also as one of the acts of the prophets, peace be upon them all, as Allah, the Exalted, Says.. More

  • The ‘Eed Prayer

    First: The ‘Eed Prayer consists of two Rak’ahs (units of prayer). Ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “The traveller's prayer consists of two Rak’ahs; the Al-Adh-ha ('Eed) prayer consists of two Rak’ahs and the Al-Fitr ('Eed) prayer consists of two Rak’ahs. They are complete prayers (in this form).. More

  • Combining two prayers

    It is allowed for a person to combine the Thuhr (noon) and 'Asr (afternoon) prayers, or the Maghrib (sunset) and 'Ishaa' (night) prayers, during the time of either prayer, if he is in one of the following circumstances: 1. Combining two prayers at 'Arafah and Al-Muzdalifah: When one is performing Hajj, he should combine the Thuhr and 'Asr prayers.. More

  • The Prayer: Its prerequisites and essentials – II

    The essentials of prayer The essentials of prayer are: (1) Saying the opening takbeer: It is done when one commences with prayer by saying “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the greatest) while raising the hands to shoulder level with the palms facing forward. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “The key to prayer is purification,.. More

  • The Prayer: Its prerequisites and essentials – I

    In Islam, performing the Prayer is the most important, mandatory act after the testimony of faith. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the Prayer...”[At-Tirmithi] It is the last thing, the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, recommended to his nation before he, sallallaahu.. More

  • The Night Prayer (Qiyam Al-Layl)

    What is Qiyam Al-Layl? Qiyam' means 'standing' and 'Qiyam al-Layl' means 'standing in night.' In the Islamic terminology, both terms refer to 'the voluntary night prayer, whose time extends from after 'Ishaa’ (evening) prayer until dawn.' Qiyam al-Layl is also known as Tahajjud. A widespread misconception is that Tahajjud is a different night.. More

  • Mistakes made by people while praying - II

    The following are states and positions of the Imam and his followers in congregational prayer: The first state: Preceding the Imam This means that the follower precedes the Imam in performing Takbeer (i.e., saying, ‘Allahu Akbar’) Rukoo‘ (bowing), prostration or ending the prayer and this is impermissible as the Prophet, sallallaahu.. More

  • Prayer is the life of the heart

    I have pondered over our prayers and thought of the state of many of the praying people. So, I detected a strong link between neglecting the prayer with all its due meanings and the status of the Muslim nation along with the crisis that the Muslims undergo. In fact, it is not a single crisis, rather they are crises in the social, moral and military.. More

  • Virtue of Prayer in Islam

    Prayer has great and numerous virtues, some of which are the following: 1) Prayer forbids the person from falling into the abyss of immorality and wrongdoing. Allah, the Exalted, Says (what means): {Recite [O Muhammad] what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance.. More


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  • Most of the time
  • Sometimes
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