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There are 2035 articles

  • Al-Baraa' Ibn Maalik Al-Ansaari

    His skin's color was pale and his hair was knotted. But it was his skinny frame that made those who did not know him turn away from him in disapproval. Yet it was he who had defeated one hundred of the knights in duels, to say nothing of those whom he had slain in battle. He  may  Allaah  be  pleased  with  him was the courageous, ferocious champion at.. More

  • The birth of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam

    Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, the Master of Prophets, was born in Bani Hashim lane in Makkah on Monday morning, the ninth of Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, the same year of the Elephant Event, and forty years of the reign of Kisra (Khosru Nushirwan), i.e. the twentieth or twenty-second of April, 571 A.D., according to the scholar Muhammad Sulaimân.. More

  • Tayammum (dry ablution)

    Definition In Arabic, the word Tayammum literally means an 'aim' or 'purpose.' In Islamic Law, it refers to: 'Aiming for or seeking soil to wipe one's face and hands with the intention of purification and preparing oneself to pray, and so on." Proof of its Legitimacy This act of ritual cleansing is proven by the Quran, Sunnah (prophetic.. More

  • Sexual Drive

    The enemies of Islam use sexual drive as a weapon to destroy the Muslim Ummah. They regard the power and influence of this weapon as more effective than a thousand assault rifles. Hence, they have inundated us with showers of temptations and drowned us in the seas of sexual desires. They concluded that “You raise youths in Muslim lands that.. More

  • Women in Da'wah (Call to Islam) - I

    From the very beginning of the Islamic history, Muslim women have played vital roles in the propagation of the Divine Message (Islam). From the sacrifices of Sumayyah, may Allaah be pleased with her, to the collected Ahadeeth [narrations of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam] of 'Aa'ishah, may Allaah be pleased with her, women have been instrumental.. More

  • Prophet Muhammad's justice and equality

    The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, asked people to be just and kind. As the supreme judge and arbiter, as the leader of Muslims, as generalissimo of a rising power, as a reformer and apostle, he, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, had always to deal with people and their affairs. He, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, had often to deal with mutually inimical.. More

  • Dire consequences of injustice - II

    Causes of Injustice A-The devil: Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.} [Quran 2:208] {Satan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are the party of Satan. Unquestionab.. More

  • Giving Food

    Giving Food in Surah Al-Insan (No.76): This is a good gesture of Allah's Mercy to Mention giving food in a Surah that is entitled "Al-Insan". Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan, and the captive…} [Quran 76:8] Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allaah be pleased with him, and.. More

  • Consistency between the Quran and modern science –I

    Cosmology These theories involve a lot of very sophisticated mathematics for a full understanding. Basically, they concern the laws of motion under high speeds approaching the speed of light (special relativity) and the impact of strong gravitational fields (general relativity) applied to the explanation of cosmological phenomena. What is a wonder.. More

  • The Prophetic Guidance on Happiness

    The faces of the old and young – and indeed even the trees and birds around us – rejoice when they come to know about the happiness of the beloved Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. This is because his happiness is happiness for those who love him, and guidance for those who follow him. So, let us learn the perfect etiquette and.. More

  • The intention is the foundation of every action

    The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said: "Verily actions are by intentions, and for every person is what he intended. So the one whose ‘hijrah’ (migration) was to Allah and His Messenger, then his ‘hijrah’ was to Allah and His Messenger. And the one whose ‘hijrah’ was for the world to gain.. More

  • Rohingya: 'Better to kill us in India than deport us to Myanmar'

    Jafar Alam sits by a small grocery shop in the Rohingya refugee camp in New Delhi's Kalindi Kunj area. A police officer who visited the camp had asked Alam to fill a six-page "personal data" form. Alam refused. "Today, if you will not cooperate with us, we will not cooperate with you tomorrow," the policeman warned. He then walked.. More

  • Doctor Bee

    In the Quran, Allah, The Almighty Says (what means): {And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: ‘Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect. Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy [for you].’ There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying color wherein is healing for.. More

  • Calling to Islam - the duty of every Muslim

    While all the messengers appointed by Allah were charged by Him with the responsibility to disseminate the revealed guidance with which they were entrusted, their respective nations too, were called upon to share in the fulfilment of Allah’s orders. Allah reminds us in the Quran (what means): {And [mention, O Muhammad], when Allah took a covenant.. More

  • Backbiting & Slander - An Islamic perspective

    Allah Says in the Quran what means: "And why, when you heard it, did you not say: 'It is not for us to speak of this. Exalted are You, [O Allah]; this is a great slander?'" [Quran 24:16] Backbiting & Slander Defined Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam(may Allah exalt his mention) once asked: "Do you know what backbiting.. More