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There are 2041 articles

  • 'Israel stripped body organs off Palestinians'

    An Israeli Knesset member says there is evidence showing that deceased Palestinians were stripped bare of their vital organs while in police custody in Tel Aviv. Israeli politician and leader of the Arab nationalist party, Ahmad Tibi, said on Saturday that a medical institution in Israel harvested appendages from the bodies of dead Palestinians in.. More

  • 'Get the war criminals arrested now'

    The recent arrest warrant issued in London for former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is more than justified. This woman, along with two other Israeli leaders, Ehud Olmert andEhud Barak, stood at the helm of the Israeli government that ordered, supervised and charted the genocidal onslaught against the Gaza Strip this time last year. She was.. More

  • The Hijrah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

    The Hijrah – emigration of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to Madeenah – constitutes a wonderful memory honored by many annually. But, it is only the wise who recognize its full magnanimity: as a victory for the believers and their escape from a life of injustice and subjugation to a free and respectable one. It marked.. More

  • Moro Muslims, Philippines hope to sign peace deal by 2010

    The Philippines and the Muslim group hope to sign a deal by April next year over Muslim homeland, officials from both sides said on Wednesday. Both parties are pushing to finalize the deal, which involves bringing back international monitors to the region, before Philippine President Gloria Arroyo's term ends in June 2010, as present negotiations.. More

  • Entering the marital bond - I: Finding a suitable spouse

    Marriage is one of the most serious and important commitments an individual will make in his lifetime. It is a bond that once established, cannot be easily broken. It is one of the most important relationships in a society, as it is the building stone of the overall structure. Marriage is so important in Islam that the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa.. More

  • Entering the marital bond –II: The marriage contract

    The necessary components of the marital process: This article, discusses some of the important issues to consider when entering the bond of marriage. This includes the marriage contract and witnesses to the marriage. It is imperative to remember that whatever endeavor a person engages in, his or her intention should be purely for the sake of Allah,.. More

  • 14 Palestinian homes demolished in Jerusalem in November

    The Land Research Center (LRC) of the Arab Studies Society in Jerusalem reported that the Israeli authorities conducted 187 violations against Jerusalem in November, and demolished 14 Palestinians homes in addition to issuing orders to demolish 170 homes. The center prepares and publishes its reports in cooperation with the Civil Coalition to Defend.. More

  • 'Uighurs flee China, seek asylum in Cambodia'

    A group of Uighurs who have fled China are seeking asylum through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, an overseas activist group said, adding that other would-be refugees had been captured while fleeing China after ethnic riots in their homeland in July. Two of the 22 Uighurs who sought asylum through the UNHCR offices in Phnom Penh.. More

  • Al-Ahbaash (the Habashis) –II

    5- They deny that Allah is above His creation. The belief of the Muslims, as indicated by the verses of the Quran, the narrations of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, sound human nature and clear common sense is that Allah is above His creation, over His Throne, and nothing at all of His creatures’ affairs is hidden from Him. Allah Says.. More

  • Al-Ahbaash (the Habashis) -I

    This is a group that emerged during the last quarter of the fourteenth century AH there emerged a group led by ‘Abdullaah al-Habashi, who moved from Ethiopia to Syria, and he moved about in that region until he settled in Lebanon, where he started to call people to his way. The number of his followers increased and his ideas – which are.. More

  • Israel strips 4577 Palestinians of right to live in Jerusalem

    Israel stripped 4,577 Palestinians of right to live in Jerusalem in 2008, blocking residency status, at a faster rate than at any time in the history of the Jewish state, an Israeli rights group said on Wednesday, citing official Israeli statistics. "Revocation of residence has reached frightening proportions," said Dalia Kerstein, executive.. More

  • Millions of Muslims prepare for Hajj 2009

    Millions of Muslims from around the world have gathered in the Saudi city of Mecca in anticipation of the start of Hajj - the annual Muslim pilgrimage. Taking part in the pilgrimage at least once in one's lifetime is a major obligation for all able-bodied Muslims of financial means, and between two and three million people participate in the six-day.. More

  • Unborn children for sale in S Korea

    The illegal sale of children makes up more than half of all the cases of human trafficking around the world, according to recent estimates. Traditionally it has involved the exploitation of children in poorer nations, but an Al Jazeera investigation has found that it is also happening in developed countries, such as South Korea. For four months,.. More

  • 'British army used Guantánamo interrogation methods'

    Dozens of prisoners held at a secret British army interrogation centre in Iraq claim they suffered unlawful physical and mental abuse similar to that carried out by the US on detainees at Guantánamo Bay. Inmates at the high-security compound within the Shaibah base say they were held in solitary confinement and forced to wear dark goggles and.. More

  • The Nullifiers of Islamic Monotheism -I

    In the Arabic language, Tawheed literally means "unification" (making something one) or "asserting oneness", and it comes from the Arabic verb (Wahhada) which itself means to unite, unify or consolidate. However, when the term Tawheed is used in reference to Allah, it means the realizing and maintaining of Allah's Unity in all of.. More