1. Women
  2. Islamic Etiquette

There are 163 articles

  • Overeating

    Man's desire for food is one of his most self-destructive traits. Aadam (Adam) and Hawwa’ (Eve), may Allaah exalthis mention, were expelled from Paradise, the abode of eternal bliss, to the dwelling of suffering and humiliation, because of their appetite. They were forbidden to eat from a specific tree, but, overcome by a need to satiate themselves,.. More

  • The oppressor and the oppressed - I

    The position of the oppressed in relation to the oppressor: Allah Says (what means): “And those who, when tyranny strikes them, they defend themselves. And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation - his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers. And whoever.. More

  • The oppressor and the oppressed - II

    The obligation upon an oppressor: The one who oppresses others should fear Allah and beware of transgression, because it will be counted as multiples of transgressions on the Day of Resurrection: one for him disobeying Allah, another for him oppressing his fellow Muslim, and a third for initiating and opening the gate of transgression and oppression.. More

  • Optimal Ways of Attaining Inner Tranquility and Serenity

    This life is not our eternal dwelling but a short-lived and ephemeral abode. A person is destined to face sundry pains, suffering, hardships and sorrows in this transient life, as there are many reasons that lead to boredom, dullness, irritation and anxiety. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {We have certainly created man into hardship.} [Quran.. More

  • None of you should belittle himself

    The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is reported to have said: No one of you should be prevented by fear from people from speaking the truth if he sees or witnesses it. Indeed, it does not bring his death closer or keep sustenance away that he speaks out the truth or reminds the people of something of which its mention causes them.. More

  • A Muslim should neither oppress a Muslim nor let him down

    It is narrated on the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them, that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: A Muslim is a brother of his fellow Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor let him down. Whoever fulfills the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; and whoever.. More

  • Thinking Well of Others Relieves the Heart

    Nothing relieves the heart and makes one happy more than thinking well of others. It protects one from the harm of worrisome thoughts that disturb his peace of mind and exhaust the body. Thinking well of others leads to a sound heart, strengthens the ties of cordiality and love among the individuals of a community, and frees the hearts from hatred and.. More

  • Boredom of life

    The reasons for antipathy and hatred toward the worldly life are varied. Some people dislike this transient life out of their desire for the reward from Allah Almighty and love to meet Him. Hence, one of the righteous predecessors said: "The gift of a believer is death." Such a person detests the worldly life because his life is attached to.. More

  • The Seriousness of the Trust in the Noble Quran

    Allah Almighty says (what means): {O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will [then] amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined.. More

  • From the rights of brotherliness

    One of the greatest blessings Allah, the Exalted, bestows upon His servants is having righteous brothers with whom they get along and among whom there is mutual love. No doubt, such brotherliness has rights that should be observed. Our topic here is not the general rights between Muslims, yet the special rights of brotherhood, which we will address.. More

  • Altruism

    If it is easy for you to give without being annoyed, you are a generous person. If you are one of those who donate profusely and retain only little for themselves, you are openhanded. However, if you give while in need yourself, you have reached the highest degree of generosity: altruism; this stems from staunch faith, genuine love, perseverance and.. More

  • Maintaining the ties of kinship

    Verses of the Noble Quran and various Hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, call strongly for the upholding of kinship ties and encourage this by offering worldly and religious rewards. There is no doubt that a society whose members maintain family relations and treat each other mercifully forms an invincible fort and a fortified.. More

  • Do not waste your time!

    Both the Quran and the Sunnah emphasize the importance of time in the life of a Muslim. Allah swears at the beginning of many Soorahs (Chapters) by time or moments in time, for example, Allah Says (what means): “By the dawn and the ten nights (i.e. the first ten days of the month of Thul-Hijjah)...” [Quran 89: 1-2] Allah also Says (what.. More

  • Three Steps to a Happy Life

    Happiness is the universal goal of people from all walks of life – be they philosophers of a high intellectual caliber or unlettered laborers -- everyone strives in search of happiness and looks for ways to escape the worries of life. However, most people achieve only partial or superficial happiness, which provides temporary relief from their.. More

  • Follow their Footprints

    There have been people who insisted on leaving their imprints on life, and this is why history has immortalized their mention. They formed the civilization of their Ummah (nation); their renaissance became a source of goodness and light for the entire world, and they were the lanterns which lit the way for the West during their age of darkness. Al-Hasan.. More