1. Women
  2. Personal

There are 226 articles

  • Why Can't We Be Like Them?

    ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "May Allah have mercy upon the early emigrating women, when Allah revealed (what means): {..and to wrap [a portion of] their head covers over their chests} [Quran 24:31] they cut their waist sheets at the edges and covered their faces by them." [Al-Bukhari] It was also narrated.. More

  • Woman and the plots of enemies

    The 'wave-breaking' method is used by the advocates of corruption to bring about degradation in society and is achieved through following a gradual approach. They do not ask the society to become immoral all at once and they cannot achieve it if they demanded it. Rather, they follow a gradual approach in spreading their corruption until they finally.. More

  • Spinsterhood - Causes and Effects

    The phenomenon of spinsterhood and the aversion of many youth to marry have serious and dangerous psychological, economic, social, moral and behavioral consequences that affect the entire Ummah (nation). This is especially so in this era where there are many temptations and deviated means of satisfying desires. Thus, Sharee‘ah-approved marriage.. More

  • 'Brought up by a woman'

    In some cultures, when people want to criticize someone for being ineffectual or accuse him of having low morals, they say that he was brought up by a woman! This abominable saying stands refuted by the many prominent scholars of Islam who were brought up by their mothers and became guiding and guided beacons for the Ummah (nation). Imaam Ahmad, may.. More

  • Change of self is better than change of scenery

    “If I was living in Egypt, I'm sure 1 would be wearing Hijab." "If only I wasn’t in classes all day long, I would surely make it to the Friday Prayer every Friday." How many times have you told yourself: if it weren’t for this or that, I would be able to do such and such? How often is it that our actions depend upon.. More

  • Fasting & diabetics

    A diabetic patient receives the month of Ramadan differently from others, because his feeding and health system during this month is different from that at any other time of the year. He must adhere to certain dosages of medication at specific times and must only eat certain types of food. With the advent of this month, the changes he faces are manifested.. More

  • A delayed pregnancy should not be a cause or worry

    Medical research gives glad tidings to spouses who have been married for a year and still have no children that this is not a sign of being sick or sterile. A recently published study showed that spouses who do not suffer from health problems, even though they become worried after one year of trying to conceive, often succeed in realizing their goal.. More

  • A healthy and balanced food system

    Many people get into the bad habit of overeating during the month of Ramadan, which often causes different types of diseases, like constipation, rapid weight gain, and many others. This is because they are heedless of the instructions of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and the etiquettes one must adhere to at the time of breaking the.. More

  • Breastfeeding prevents diseases and increases love

    Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of the baby’s life is the traditional and ideal way to feed the baby. Breast milk is far superior in terms of nutrients concerning its unique composition that provides the baby with the components that are vital for life, nourishment and development, such as proteins, fats, vitamins, salts and minerals... More

  • How to gain self-confidence

    Self-confidence is the way to success in life, whereas, falling down under the pressure of negativity, hesitation, worryand uncertainty about one's abilities, is the beginning of failure. Much potential was wasted and lost because their owners did not realize the value of the abilities that Allah The Exalted had bestowed on them. Had they properly utilized.. More

  • Demerits of Discarding the Hijab

    Failing to adhere to Hijab (Islamic covering) indicates disobedience to Allah The Almighty and His Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Anyone who disobeys Allah The Almighty and His Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, harms no one but himself, and in no way does he harm Allah The Almighty. The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu.. More

  • My problem is forgetfulness

    Raawiyah Mustafa from Cairo asks, "I used to have a normal memory, but recently have begun to forget things. When I enter my room for something, I remain inside it for several minutes until I remember why I entered. I keep standing in front of the refrigerator, uselessly trying to remember what I wanted to get from it. There are other situations.. More

  • What Awaits Women in Paradise?

    Women always pose many questions about their status and conditions in Paradise and about what is waiting for them there. So, I thought it would be useful if I compile all the relevant issues concerning this subject along with their authentic proofs from the Quran and Sunnah in addition to the opinions of reliable scholars to clarify the subject. It.. More

  • Contemplation and Consideration – Qualities of the Virtuous - II

    After knowing the value of contemplation and the verses, many Hadeeth and sayings regarding it, it is worthy of us to pause and ponder our identity, creation and destiny; and, whether we are to live forever or die, and if we are to pass away, then where would we go: Hell or Paradise? Verily, life without Allah The Almighty is like a mirage that appears.. More

  • Contemplation and Consideration – Qualities of the Virtuous - I

    Deliberation most certainly leads to knowledge, which, in turn, results in action. Hence, if people ponder the magnificence of Allah The Almighty, they will surely refrain from His disobedience. Moreover, contemplation is a mirror that reflects one’s good and evil deeds. It is one of the best acts of worship, for not only does it bring about wisdom,.. More