


There are 781 articles

  • Marriages Lead Women to Islam

    ‘Aa’ishah Abid Choudry - her given name is Harumi - adopted her Muslim name and faith four years ago, at the age of 26, to marry a Pakistani. Two years later, like many Japanese women married to Muslim men in Japan, she remained reluctant to abide by Islamic laws. Then one day about two years ago, she decided to act on her own intuition.. More

  • Experience of a Canadian woman

    Many may ask why a young, Canadian-born, Caucasian woman would embrace a religion that not only supposedly oppresses women, but takes all her freedom and independence and treats her as a second class citizen. I reject such accusations and pose to them the following question. "Why is it that so many women who have been born and brought up in the.. More

  • A German lady converts to Islam

    Title: Shortly after I was born in 1934 it became a "fashion" in Germany to quit membership of the Church—Catholic or Protestant—and become "gottglaubig" which means believing in God but actually signifies rather the contrary. In fact when I was about seven years old, an elder girl told me that there was no God at all.. More

  • From a bathing suit to hijab

    Somayyah was educated in a convent and as a teenager worked as a model and in cocktail lounges. Growing up in Ireland and Britain, she tried drugs and liquor and supported alcoholic and sometimes abusive parents. Years later the25-year old Irish woman moved to the Gulf Arab Emirate of Dubai where, through books loaned by friends, she learned about.. More

  • Mum, I've decided I want to follow Allah

    Western women are turning to Islam in rapidly increasing numbers. Kay Jardine discovers why they are so keen to become Muslims. Bullying, depression, and insomnia made Kimberley McCrindle's teenage years particularly difficult. Taunts from classmates about her weight and how she looked left the 19-year-old student feeling like she didn't really fit.. More

  • Tena

    Becoming Muslim Both my husband and I converted to Islam. I converted during Ramadan last year and my husband shortly after. The thing that drew me to Islam was the hijab and loose clothing of the Muslim women. We both did research by Internet and then read ahadeeth. I was totally convinced. I went to a masjid for my first time. A sister there greeted.. More

  • The Mother-in-Law: A Mercy or a Curse?

    No sane person can deny the great role of the mother, especially the role that she plays in the life of her children providing them with care, love and compassion, and the difficulty and fatigue that accompany this. Hence, Allah The Exalted commands us to be good to parents by speaking kindly to them and lowering to them the wing of humility out of.. More

  • Help! The kinfolk are in town

    By: Michelle Al-Nasr Are you someone who freaks out when the family drops in at a moments notice, or informs you that they will be camping out in your house for months on end? It is a time that can really be stressful for everyone, and sometimes it can even cause so much stress that family ties arc broken. Camping-in kin The Prophet, sallallaahu.. More

  • Governesses and Maids Substitute Mothers

    Employing governesses and maids is a widespread phenomenon nowadays in many homes throughout the Arab world. Some of them have become substitutes for mothers despite the fact that often they do not speak Arabic, and sometimes they are non-Muslims. All these factors have dire consequences for our children’s future. Today, we see families willingly.. More

  • Make-up of a successful wife – III

    She can be grateful: Each of us likes to be told that we are doing a good job. This is also important in a marriage. We should always tell or show our husbands that we sincerely appreciate all of their efforts. Allah has charged them with providing for their wives and families. This job is not easy. Everyday they meet challenges and problems and they.. More

  • When was the last time you raced your wife?

    Yes, when was the last time you raced with your wife? You might mockingly or disapprovingly smile, yet the question remains, for it bespeaks an invitation to you to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in his kind attitude toward his wives. If you claim to follow his, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Sunnah, in.. More

  • A Word to the Bride and Groom

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He Placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.} [Quran 30:21] The affection and mercy mentioned in the previous verse can only be attained through certain.. More

  • Her Relations with Men

    Being in seclusion Obedience to Allah can only be achieved by following His commands and keeping away from what He Has prohibited. One way in which the Muslim woman obeys Allah and His Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, is by not sitting in seclusion with a "non-Mahram" because it is prohibited on the basis of the narration in.. More

  • Marrying Non-Muslim Women - Problems and Dangers - I

    Some scholars of Islam, sociology and education have warned against the high rates of marriage to foreign non-Muslim women in Arab and Islamic countries. They have stated that this phenomenon has dangerous social, educational and religious consequences as it exacerbates the problem of spinsterhood in the Arab countries. It also yields generations of.. More

  • Do You Give Your Wife Some Water?

    In this age, women shoulder many responsibilities and burdens which form mental and physical pressures.A woman goes to work and suffers due to the means of transportation, domineering bosses and the required mental and physical effort. Then comes her main job that she was created to do and from which she can never escape or violate: her responsibility.. More