There are 163 articles

  • Severing ties of kinship

    The righteousness and uprightness of the family is the gateway towards a safe and secure community, and maintaining ties with kinfolks is the way to the preservation of the Muslim nation. Islam calls for and mandates maintaining ties with kinfolks due to the great effect it has on establishing strong social bonds, as well as for the love and cooperation.. More

  • Handling the Pain in Our Neck

    We all have stresses and burdens in our daily lives. Whether it is school or work or just the trials of life, we carry much on our shoulders. Some of us carry our own loads and some of us carry loads that we share with others health problems, personal family issues, financial dilemmas, marital discord, employment troubles, and the list could go on... More

  • Etiquettes of dialogue and speech -I

    Islam came to instil and spread fine manners and noble etiquettes. When in conversation or discussion, a Muslim must maintain these because Islam comprehensively addresses all aspects of life, and requires a Muslim to be distinct in his character, creed, worship, manners, etiquettes and appearance. Undoubtedly, Islam is the superior and lofty religion... More

  • A Gleam on the Way

    How effective was the first generation of the Ummah (Islamic Nation)? What is the importance of positivity in the life of a Muslim? How has the Quran recorded this effectiveness? These are important and serious questions about the value of positivity and effectiveness and what they represented in the life of the youth who established the civilization.. More

  • Etiquettes of Supplicating - I

    During the caliphate of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allah be pleased with him, there was no rain for an entire year and the people were about to perish. So ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, gathered the people and they went out to the desert. He then asked Al-‘Abbaas, may Allah be pleased with him, the paternal uncle of the Prophet,.. More

  • Knowledge in Islam and how to seek it

    In this article we’ll try to shed some light on knowledge from Islamic perspective. Generally speaking, the Arabic word for knowledge is 'ilm, which, in most cases, indicates to Islamic knowledge or matters related to Sheree’ah (Islamic Law). Although, some of the Quranic verses in this article refer to Islamic knowledge, yet they are general.. More

  • Protective Jealousy is the Characteristic of the Noble - II

    The Protective Jealousy of the Husband over his Wife As stated previously, it was narrated that Sa‘d ibn ‘Ubaadah, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “If I were to see a man with my wife, I would strike him with a sword, and not with the flat side of it.” When the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,.. More

  • Protective Jealousy is the Characteristic of the Noble - I

    Protective jealousy is an innate noble characteristic upon which a sound person whom Allah has honored and favored was created. Islam elevated the rank of this sublime trait and laudably mentioned it to the extent that it considers defending one's honor and being protectively jealous about inviolable matters a type of Jihaad. For this, a person may.. More

  • Steadfast Love of Allah - II

    The Real Life is that of the Lovers of Allah The Almighty It is true that there is no real life except that of those whose eyes are comfortable with their Beloved. Their souls find rest with Him, and their hearts are reassured with Him. They enjoy being close to Him and are delighted with His love. Indeed, there is a need in the heart that is not satisfied.. More

  • Steadfast Love of Allah - I

    Love of Allah The Almighty is a degree for which people compete and which worshippers aspire to; forerunners hurried to realize it and lovers devote themselves to it, and worshippers are pleasantly relieved by its breeze. Love of Allah nourishes hearts and souls, and delights the eyes. It is life, a light, a cure, and a delight! If a person is deprived.. More

  • Supplications from the Quran and Sunnah

    Islam attached great importance to supplicating, as it is the direct means through which the slave communicates with his Lord. As Muslims we do not need any mediators between us and Allah. In this article we will highlight some supplications that were mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. Supplications.. More

  • Praising Allah – I

    Many texts in the Quran and the Sunnah indicate the virtue of praising Allah and that it is what the dwellers of Paradise will say upon entering Paradise. The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, used to praise Allah during all times. Furthermore, supplications - which included the praise of Allah - before and after many actions have been reported.. More

  • Visiting the sick – I

    Introduction No one is free from illness, it’s something that is in our genes passed through generations; or it’s because of something as simple as what we ate for lunch. Just when you think it could never happen to you, there it is and now you’re left to cope with it — the good, the bad and the ugly.... and sometimes it can.. More

  • Visiting the sick – III

    When visiting is not possible If visitation is not possible then calling the sick on the telephone or writing to them can also have a very positive effect. However, the actual visitation has a stronger result and gives the patient a feeling of warmth that no telephone call or letter could ever accomplish. The visitation causes truthful emotions.. More

  • Visiting the sick – II

    What we can do when visiting the sick There are many things we can do when visiting the sick. Below are some important things that will enable us to make our visits more productive: The Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, used to treat illness with Ruqya (words said for the express purpose of protection or cure charms) for person afflicted with.. More