There are 118 articles

  • Mistakes Related to Iftar (Breaking the Fast)

    The time of breaking the fast in Ramadan is the time in which the fasting person has lost much of his physical, intellectual, and emotional energy. This may cause some people to make some mistakes that are not convenient to the fasting person’s morals and the etiquette of fasting. Among these mistakes are the following points: First: Delaying.. More

  • Fasting and Backbiting

    Some fasting people think that fasting means abstinence from food, drink, and sexual intercourse only, although fasting is actually greater and more sublime than this meaning alone. Some fasting people abstain from such things while spoiling their fasting by committing other forbidden acts. Backbiting is one of the forbidden acts which renders fasting.. More

  • Ramadan and Repentance

    One of the greatest blessings which Allah bestows upon His servants is that He gives them an opportunity to turn to Him in repentance. He also made repentance a safe resort and secure refuge which is sought by sinners, who confess their sins, hope for Allah’s mercy, and regret for the evil deeds. They will find in their closeness to their Lord.. More

  • Ranks of Fasting People

    Imam Al-Ghazali mentioned that fasting does not have only one rank but that it has several ranks; if a person has abstained from material things that invalidate fasting, this does not mean that he has actually fulfilled the objective and meaning of fasting. In fact, the reality of fasting surpasses this meaning. Imam Al-Ghazali said in “Al-Ihyaa:”.. More

  • Wisdom of the Sustainer Behind Enjoining Fasting

    The religion of Islam contains all benefits, and the Sharia enjoins everything that includes benefits. Islam is based on wisdom and benefiting people. Imam Al-Baidawi stated in his book “Al-Minhaj,” “Evidence indicates that Allah, the Almighty, prescribed all His rulings to benefit His servants.” (p. 233) Real jurisprudence means.. More

  • The One Who Provides a Fasting Person with Some Food to Break the Fast Earns the Same Reward as the One Who Was Observing It

    Zaid ibn Khaid Al-Juhani (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, “The one who provides a fasting person with something to break his fast will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing the reward of the latter in any way." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi.. More

  • Objectives of Fasting

    Author: Islamweb All praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance. Allah, the Almighty, enjoined fasting on His servants not to torture them, nor to benefit from their fasting, as He is not in need of His servants and the acts of worship they offer. Rather,.. More

  • Introduction to the Rulings of Fasting

    Author: IslamWeb It is reported in an authentic hadith that the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever Allah intends good for, He gives him understanding of the religion” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]. Comprehending the rulings of Islam is among the most incumbent duties and the most emphasized requirements, especially concerning.. More

  • The great opportunity: Ramadan

    Fasting the month of Ramadan is one of Allah’s ways—one of His most beloved ways—to teach us to love Him Almighty and His Messenger sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam and to see beyond ourselves and find Allah. It helps us come into communion with Allah directly by making us realize His blessings and His presence, but also indirectly, by.. More

  • "He Who Provides a Fasting Person with Some Food to Break Fast, Earns the Same Reward as One Who Has Observed Fast "

    Zaid ibn Khalid Al-Juhani, may Allaah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, said: “He who provides a fasting person with something to break his fast, will earn the same reward as the one who was observing the fast, without diminishing in any way the reward of the latter.” [Reported by.. More

  • Objectives of Fasting

    All perfect praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his Companions, and those who follow his guidance. Allah, the Almighty, enjoined fasting on His servants not to make them suffer, nor that He, the Almighty benefits from their fasting, as He is not in need of His servants.. More

  • Virtue of Hastening the Iftaar

    Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {Then complete the fast until the sunset.} [Quran 2:187] In a Hadeeth (narration) on the authority of Sahl ibn Sa‘d, may Allah be pleased with him, he said that the Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “People will remain upon goodness as long as they hasten the Iftaar (breaking.. More

  • Sorry, You Do not Fast!

    Many young people wonder why Ramadan passes by without them being able to attain piety even though they fast. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): {O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous} [Quran 2:183] Fasting is supposed to breed piety and righteousness. So, why does.. More

  • The Peak of Patience

    Working with Food During Ramadan Fasting Ramadan involves great endurance and patience. For some, the greatest trial is enduring hunger. For others it is battling exhaustion. Still others find their test is controlling a short temper. What's Eating You? For me, the greatest tests include all the above plus the thirst that ensues approximately three.. More

  • Invalidators of Fasting

    By ‘Abdullaah ibn Saalih Al-Qusayyir 1 - (Intentional) eating and drinking: Anything nutritious that is intentionally consumed through the mouth, nose, vein or the like, invalidates the fast. Allah The Exalted Says (what means): {And eat and drink until the white thread of dawn becomes distinct to you from the black thread [of night].} [Quran.. More