Sun rose from the West on Mars

24-4-2004 | IslamWeb


I found on the Internet, on the Nasa’s web site, that the sun has risen from the West in the whole month of September 2003, on planet Mars. Does that have any relation with the Day of Judgment? Is that one of the major signs of the Akhira? Please, I want an answer.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.


We cannot determine if what has been said is true or false, since the matter concerns planet Mars.

However, we can determine, that the rising of the sun from the West, one of the greatest signs of the Day of Judgment, and which will happen on Earth in a way that it could be seen by all the people, has not yet occurred.

The first incident (in relation to Mars) even if it is true, has no relation with the signs of the Day of Judgment, as Mars is a different planet.


Allah knows best.