Disowning Polytheism and its People
26/10/2010| IslamWeb

Disowning polytheism and its people is a matter that is confirmed in Islam and is substantiated with texts from the Quran and Prophetic narrations. Allah Says (what means): {"There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Ibraaheem (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people, 'Indeed, we disown you and whatever you worship other than Allah. We have denied you, and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone' …"}[Quran 60:4]
When commenting on this verse,Ibn Katheer,
said: "His Saying (which means): {" … we disown you and whatever you worship other than Allah. We have denied you …"}means we disown your way and your religion, and His Saying (which means): {" … and there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever …"} means that animosity towards you has started from now and will continue so long as you remain upon your disbelief; when you believe that none is worthy of being worshipped except Allah and you worship Him alone and worship no idols besides Him, only then that this animosity and disowning will stop."
The different Hajj rites reinforce this meaning and principle very clearly. The Prophet,
, differed from the disbelievers in all the Hajj rites; he,
, differed from them in the standing on Mount 'Arafah and the way he,
left it. Likewise, he,
, differed from them in the way he,
left Muzdalifah,and justified that by saying: "Our way is different from that of polytheists and idolaters"
Al-Miswar Ibn Makhramah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated, "The Prophet
admonished us while we were in Mount 'Arafah (i.e. during Hajj); he
praised Allah The Almighty and glorified Him, and then said: "The polytheists and idolaters used to depart 'Arafah from here on sunset when the sun was still seen on the top of the mountains like a turbine on men's heads. Indeed, our way is different from that of polytheists and idolaters. They also used to leave Al-Mash'ar Al-Haraam (i.e. Muzdalifah) when the sun raised on the top of the mountains like a turbine on men's heads. Indeed, our way is different from that of polytheists and idolaters."
This text teaches us a great lesson of disowning the polytheists with regards to their deeds, religion, behavior and manners. The one who resembles the polytheists in their deeds, religion, behavior, dress, traditions or manners does not understand this lesson, because one of the main implications of disowning them is to refrain from resembling them and to be keen on differing from them.