There are 60 articles

  • Certainty … the life of hearts

    Our talk in this article is going to be about one of the highest ranks in the religion and a quality of the virtuous… it is certainty. Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim  may  Allaah  have  mercy  upon  him said about the rank of certainty: “It’s importance for belief, is like that of the soul to the body. It is based on this rank that the righteous.. More

  • Waste not excessively

    Have you ever gotten upset when you weren’t able to buy something that you really wanted? Or, have you ever bought something that you could have done without? The answer to these two questions is yes, an unequivocal yes. It is pat of our human nature. We want and we desire constantly. When we allow this to go unchecked our desire for more becomes.. More

  • How to achieve humbleness

    Islam highly commends humbleness and simplicity and reckons that as one of the traits of a true believer. The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: "Al-Kibr (proud and arrogance) is rejecting the truth and looking down upon people."[Muslim, At-Tirmithi and Abu Daawood] Humility is for one who is important and significant and he fears.. More

  • The excellence of generosity

    Generosity is a virtuous trait that every Muslim should strive to attain. As for the believer who closely adheres to the teachings of Islam, kindness and giving from what he has become part of his good character. Generosity is the opposite of stinginess, as stinginess is a disease of the heart. The Muslim should avoid this bad quality, for it is a.. More

  • Honoring the Ordinances… Even While Sleeping - II

    Those who are righteous greatly honor the sacred ordinances of Allah The Almighty more than others. Here is the clarification in detail: The way of piety Briefly, piety is the way that you should resort to if you seek the honor of this great position; honoring the sacred Ordinances of Allah The Almighty. Undoubtedly, if you want to be one of.. More

  • Honoring the Ordinances… Even While Sleeping - I

    I will tell you about something which is neither a part of imagination nor a claim without evidence. Rather, it is a real life story whose hero enjoys unmatchable morals and a resplendent biography. The fragrance of his life diffused because he honored the sacred Ordinances of His Lord. Therefore, Allah The Almighty Exalted his degree. He is Ibn Seereen,.. More

  • The qualities of those who love their Lord

    Loving our Lord is mandatory upon each of His slaves since the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, informed us that it is a characteristic of belief and a sign of enjoying the sweetness of faith.Anas ibn Malik, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said: “One who attains the following.. More

  • Qualities of a Muslim – II

    Islam instils honour and dignity in the hearts of Muslims, and it is only Islam that can grant such honour and dignity; therefore, those who resort to the disbelievers for support and assistance are in reality humiliating themselves. These Muslims may feel honour under the protection of these disbelievers, but in reality they are humiliated and have.. More

  • Qualities of a Muslim – I

    A Muslim differs from all other types of people on earth; they worship and prostrate to other than Allah; some of them worship the sun, the moon, stars, cows, and idols, such as those who worship Buddha. Conversely, a Muslim worships only Allah and believes that He is All-Capable; He is the All-Powerful; the Almighty; the Omnipotent; the Holy; the All-Dominan.. More

  • Keep the spirit of Ramadan alive all year

    As we enter upon the month of Shawal, let us not leave off the many acts of worship we performed during the blessed month of Ramadan. Ramadan, for most of us, was a time of renewal and reestablishment of our commitment to Allah and His religion. We fasted, gave charity, read the Quran and performed the night prayer. We avoided gossip, slander and every.. More

  • Manhood in the Quran and the Sunnah - II

    Qualified righteous men are the backbone of missions, the spirit for progress and the focal point of reformation. There can be countless factories of weapons and ammunition, but if there are no men to use the weapons being produced, there will be no ability to fight. The finest educational curricula can exist, but it takes real men to implement and.. More

  • Manhood in the Quran and the Sunnah - I

    Manhood is a quality that is pursued by people of high ambitions and serious thinking men. It is a basic quality that is needed by every man, for when men lose the qualities of manhood, they cease to be real men. Manhood is deeply implanted in a person through strong belief, nurtured by sound upbringing and developed by good example. A real man is one.. More

  • Benefiting from our time

    Allah the Almighty and His Messenger, Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, very clearly tell us the value of time, why we must not waste it and how we can make use of our time wisely to increase our faith and thus attain success, especially eternal success in the Hereafter. Both the Quran and the Sunnah enjoin Muslims to be conscious of.. More

  • Islamic etiquette related to gatherings – II

    Verily, every get-together must include mentioning and thinking of Allah; do you hear a verse from the Quran, a Prophetic Hadeeth, a religious advice, discussion revolving around an Islamic ruling or an Islamic reminder in today’s gatherings except for those upon whom Allah has mercy? We must pay attention to this dangerous, negative trend.. More

  • Islamic etiquette related to gatherings – I

    We must pay attention to our gatherings and meetings, because they have a major effect on us. If one were to take a quick look at Muslim gatherings today, he would find that it is nothing but a means of people occupying themselves with life, each according to his interest or field of work; this is aside from indulging in some prohibitions and.. More

Hajj virtues