Allah The Almighty Commanded His servants in many verses of the Quran to follow His Prophet
; He Says (what means): {And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has forbidden you - refrain from.} [Quran 59:7] Allah The Almighty Made compliance with His Prophet
the prime evidence on loving Him; He Says (what means): {Say, [O Muhammad], “If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah Will Love you and Forgive you your sins. And Allah Is Forgiving and Merciful.”} [Quran 3:31] Hajj is an act of worship wherein true compliance with the Prophet
and following his example are clearly manifested. Therefore, pilgrims who hope for a proper and accepted Hajj must familiarize themselves with the Prophetic guidance on Hajj in a way that is not only limited to learning the rulings pertaining to Hajj rites but that extends to following the role model of the Prophet
in his relationship with Allah The Almighty and with creation.
In this article, we reflect on some highlights of the Hajj of the Prophet
to give pilgrims examples to follow, noting that these points are just alerts and references and, thus, are not a comprehensive account.
One of the highlights of the Hajj of the Prophet
is the due care that he paid to Tawheed and performing Hajj sincerely for the Sake of Allah, as he supplicated Allah The Almighty to help him avoid ostentation and repute, saying: “O Allah, I perform this Hajj (for Your Sake) without seeking ostentation or repute.” [Ibn Maajah] He was keen on explaining and practicing Tawheed in all the rites of Hajj starting from uttering Talbiyah to performing two Rak‘ahs of Tawaaf, hastening between As-Safa and Al-Marwah, witnessing the day of ‘Arafah, and so on.
During his Hajj, the Prophet
was fully attentive in his heart, totally submissive, exclusively engaged in private supplications, and concerned with maintaining serenity and sedateness. In this sense, Jaabir, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: “The Messenger
departed (from ‘Arafah) with full serenity.” On the day of ‘Arafah, he heard people shout at their riding animals and beat them to charge forth, and the camels were growling, so he pointed his whip to the people and said: “People, be moderate, for the good reward cannot be attained by haste.” [Al-Bukhari]
Another highlight in the Hajj of the Prophet
was his attachment to the Hereafter and renouncement of the transient pleasures of this worldly life. This is shown by his traveling on a camel that was poorly saddled and covered with a piece of velvet that was less than four dirhams in worth. [Ibn Maajah] He said while standing at ‘Arafah: “Labbayka Allahumma labbayk. Innama al-khayr khayrul-aakhirah (O Allah, I am here for serving You. True welfare is that of the Hereafter).” [Al-Haakim and Al-Bayhaqi] In this context, Ibn Al-Qayyim
said: “He performed Hajj on a saddle, neither on a seat, nor in a howdah nor any other comfortable means.” Howdahs and seats make riding more comfortable. The Prophet
did not bring along another camel for carrying his food and luggage, but placed such stuff on his riding camel. During the Hajj season, the Prophet
was in no way distinct from people, and even when he went to As-Siqaayah for drinking some water, people offered to get him water from the House, but he said: “I do not want it. Give me from what the people drink.” [Ahmad]
During Hajj, the Messenger
educated people on matters of the religion beyond any excuse of ignorance. To that end, he let no suitable chance pass without educating people and communicating the message. He explained to them the rulings of Hajj rites and the pillars and foundations of Islam, and forbade them many times during his Hajj to violate major sanctities such as blood, property, and honor that all heavenly-revealed laws insisted on their maintenance.
During his Hajj, the humbleness of the Messenger
was manifested to people, as he let Usaamah ibn Zayd, may Allah be pleased with them, ride behind him on his camel even though Usaamah was a freed slave. He also stopped for a woman from the common people to listen to her and answer her questions. He did not assign doorkeepers to drive people away from him and prevent them from meeting him. Anyone who had a need could access him easily.
Another highlight of the Hajj of the Prophet
was his mercy and compassion for people. He, for example, ordered his companions who did not bring sacrificial animals to fully terminate their Ihraam out of mercy for them, and also to facilitate things for them. He also combined Thuhr and ‘Asr prayers as well as Maghrib and ‘Ishaa’ prayers in order not to make matters hard for people. He also permitted the weak people to depart from Muzdalifah when the moon set to relieve them and save them the agony of overcrowdedness. Furthermore, he absolved the people of blame for reversing the order of Hajj rites on the Day of An-Nahr (day of slaughtering the sacrificial animals). This is in addition to many other manifestations of his mercy upon his Ummah.
Other highlights were his generosity to people. He offered one hundred sacrificial animals and ordered ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, to distribute their flesh, hides and outfit to the needy.
In Hajj, the Messenger
glorified the rites of Allah, had patience with people from different classes, countries, and languages, in addition to many other manifestations that are beyond mention here.
These are some bright aspects in the Hajj of the Prophet
. Therefore, Daa‘iyahs (callers to Islam) and followers of the Prophet
must always seek his guidance, follow in his steps, diligently comply with him and be cautious not to oppose him.